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CARAVAN (Community Awareness Raising&Advocacy Ventures Around Needs) promotes social and economic development in Swat District of the Northwest Frontier Province Pakistan with regard for ecological conservation and a focus upon marginalised, ignored and backward areas.

World In Need International Ltd Verified non-profit organisation

World In Need exist for ‘Practical Mission’ That is as disciples, we help the poor, the hungry and those in need of education. Having experienced this expression of God’s love we then give these people the opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus, to know Him more and develop a relationship...

Immanuel Community Christian Ministries

Immanuel Community Christian Ministries, part of International Needs, provides local social and economic community projects.

Rotary World Community Service Resource Network

Rotary World Community Service Resource Network (WCSRN) is a global network of Rotarians with special expertise who can provide comprehensive information and advice to clubs and districts on successful approaches to carrying out international service projects.

Shanti Vidya Mandir School

The Shanti Vidya Mandir School (SVMS) provides people with the opportunity to study and learn the language in which all the sacred texts of India were originally written - Sanskrit. SVMS also helps the impoverished in rural India with Eye Camps to restore sight to those blinded by cataracts, with...

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - Bangladesh

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is an international aid agency that works with communities and governments in 190 countries for the survival, development and protection of children worldwide. In Bangladesh, UNICEF's activities include emergency flood relief, immunization and nutritional...

British Embassy in Quito, Ecuador

The British Embassy in Quito, Ecuador, contributes towards development and technical assistance programmes in Ecuador. The Embassy finances several projects focused in areas such as human rights, drug trafficking, organized crime, countering terrorism and weapons, climate change, the environment...

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) - Ecuador

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and disadvantaged outside the country. In Ecuador, CRS supports initiatives that respond to the needs of the poorest and enhances their capacity to improve family incomes, health and...

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) - Sierra Leone

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) - Sierra is working to protect the victims of the civil war and concentrates on developing Sierra Leonean capacity in International Humanitarian Law (IHL). ICRC is also offering its expertise to support the reform of the penitentiary administration...

Caritas Makeni

Caritas Makeni is the relief and development agency of the Diocese of Makeni in Sierra Leone’s northern province. Caritas Makeni supports the efforts of disadvantaged and less privileged people in Sierra Leone to promote their own development, irrespective of creed, tribe, gender or race. The...

BDP International - Humanitarian Aid Unit

BDP International is one of the leading privately held freight logistics/transportation management firms based in the U.S. It operates freight logistics centers in more than 20 cities throughout North America and a network of subsidiaries, joint ventures and strategic partnerships in 113...

Centro de Promoción por la Dignidad Humana (CEPRODIH)

Centro de Promocion por la Dignidad Humana (CEPRODIH) provides real opportunities for improvement especially the most vulnerable: women with dependent children, elderly and homeless young people in Uruguay and the rest of Latin America. Through its various programs, it not only assists with...

Help Africa Relief and Development, Inc. (HARD Relief)

Help Africa Relief and Development, Inc. (HARD Relief) provides humanitarian assistance, health care and education to vulnerable populations.

BITRA Indonesia - The Activator for Rural Progress

BITRA Indonesia implements activities to promote a participative, sustainable, and social transformation towards the creation of egalitarian and democratic societies, specifically looking at economy, politics and professional independence.

Caritas Internationalis - Bolivia

Pastoral Social Caritas is an institution of the Catholic Church, self-sustainable, transparent and consolidated in its internal structure, reference at the national level in the animation and promotion of Integral Human Development and the Care of Creation, which contributes to forging a...

Caritas Zambia

The mandate of Caritas Zambia is to foster the Social Ministry of the Catholic Church in Zambia. Inspired by Catholic Social Teaching and Gospel values, Caritas Zambia is committed to the promotion of human dignity through programmes that endeavour to uplift the poor and marginalised from their...

CARE - Malawi

CARE Malawi is a country office with unique programming approaches in the following areas: food security, agriculture, education, economic empowerment (especially in women), social protection and emegency response with the funding from donors including EU, USAID, AusAID, DfiD, CARE Canada and CARE...

Fujairah Welfare Association

The Fujairah Welfare Association is a charity based in the United Arab Emirates. The Association assists widows and destitute families to set up small enterprises and to undertake retraining, for example, in IT. The Association also helps with donations of food and blankets in local relief efforts. enables individuals and business to explore different ways to help the community: how to make a donation, how to get involved, how and where to join in and support their community, so that they can give more, smarter and better. It also offers commission-free donation facility for...

COVER (Corps of Volunteers Effecting Repair)

COVER Home Repair works together with homeowners and volunteers to provide urgently needed home repair that keeps the inhabitants warm safe and dry. COVER offers a weatherization program empowering homeowners and volunteers with knowledge and supplies to button up homes and reduce fuel/energy...