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Life Transformers Foundation

The Life Transformers Foundation is an NGO in Ghana that aims to encourage people to adopt a healthier life style.

Gaplink International

Gaplink International is an NGO in Kenya. The organization exists to provide relief to needy people around the country, focusing on health and sanitation, disaster and humanitarian aid, human rights and advocacy, public policy, research and sustainable development. Examples of such projects include...

Divine Peace Ministries

Divine Peace Ministries is a Christian NGO that operates in disaster areas in Uganda, providing shelter, food, clothing and medical care to women, men and children in addition to its faith-based activities.

Integrated Rural Development Foundation (IRDF)

Integrated Rural Development Foundation – IRDF is a non-government non-profitable and non-political local development organization established in 1998. IRDF, started its journey on 1 January, 1998 for helping the poor and meritorious students in the locality through distribution of books, clothes...

Kenya Young Men's Chrisitian Association (Kenya YMCA)

The Kenya Young Men’s Christian Association (Kenya YMCA) is a charitable membership organization committed to the improvement of the quality of life of young people under 30 years of age. Kenya YMCA runs a range of youth development programmes, including sport and life skills training.

Manob Korma-Sohayok Foundation

Manob Korma-Sohayok Foundation (MKSF) is an NGO working with deprived and landless farm families in the Chittagong region, the southeastern coastal part of Bangladesh. MKSF assists farmers' group to develop sustainable livelihoods and social justice through capacity building and education. ...

Global Pharmaceutical Relief, LLC

Global Pharmaceutical Relief, LLC is an American pharmaceutical and medical supply distributor that specializes in delivering essential medicines and healthcare supplies to under-served communities around the world.

Peer Educators Club - Ghana

The Peer Educators Club-Ghana (PEC-GH) is an NGO that works on development and health, helping young people to make informed decisions about their lives. In particular, the Club provides opportunities for young people to discuss issues relating to sexual health, and to access counselling for...

Community Affairs Network (COMMANET)

The Community Affairs Network (COMMANET) is a Ugandan NGO that is committed to work for the improvement of governance in the country and for provision of quality technical and advisory services. The Network advocates for the rights of citizens and aims to raise resources and awareness to address...

Nyasubi Youth Development Forum (NYDF)

The Nyasubi Youth Development Forum is a Tanzanian NGO that promotes opportunities for young people, focusing on education, health and the environment.

Foundation for Economic empowerment and Educational Development (FEED)

The Foundation for Economic empowerment and Educational Development (FEED) is a Nigerian NGO that aims to assist in reducing poverty by working with donor organizations in potentially inflammatory situations.

Community Development and Tourism Foundation (CDTF)

The Community Development and Tourism Foundation (CDTF) is a Ghanaian NGO that works on advocacy, capacity building and tourism promotion.

Kenya Community Health Network

Kenya Community Health Network (KCHN) is a national NGO. The Network works on increased access to quality health care for all, and promotes access to and management of safe and adequate water.

Crescent Foundation

The Crescent Foundation is a recently formed charitable organization in Sri Lanka. The Foundation aims to enable a private school to provide free and high-quality education along with personality development, positive attitudes and enrichment opportunities, while maintaining Islamic standards.

Agape of Hope Female Youth Development Association

Agape of Hope is a Ugandan NGO that aims to equip young women victims of economic and social forces with information and knowledge of reproductive health and human rights.

Kenya Coffee Producers Association (KCPA)

Kenya Coffee Producers Association (KCPA) acts as one united voice for coffee farmers in Kenya and ensures there is harmony in the industry. KCPA’s principal activities are to lobby for an environment that is conducive for the production, processing and marketing of high quality coffee. In...

Tug Argan Pentecostal Assemblies of God (Z)

The Tug Argan Pentecostal Assemblies of God (Z) is a Christian church in Zambia. The church aims to start fund raising projects to help the community, and is currently training some young people in computer skills.

Nehemiah Mission Inc.

The Nehemiah Mission is a young church and video bible training school in Ghana. The church is aiming to set up a school and an orphanage, and is also planning to assist older people.

T.E.N.T: (Tabernacle de l'Eglise du Nouveau Testament)

T.E.N.T: (Tabernacle de l'Eglise du Nouveau Testament) is a church in Ivory Coast that helps people in prison.

Isore Women Initiative for Sustainable Development

Isore Women Initiative for Sustainable Development (IWNSUDE) is a Ugandan NGO that works on advocacy and capacity building programmes.