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Global Concern

Global Concern is an international Christian organisation that works to alleviate poverty in developing countries by providing assistance and training to help people obtain skills necessary for sustainable development. Global Concern aims to demonstrate that a concern and response to global...

Global Vision International - United Kingdom

Established in 1998, the United Kingdom branch of Global Vision International (GVI) provides support and services to international charities, non-profit organisations and governmental agencies through volunteering opportunities and direct funding. As a non-political, non-religious organisation, and...

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

UNDP is one of United Nation organisations that has targets for reducing poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination against women by 2015. On the ground in 176 countries, UNDP uses its global network to help the UN system and its partners to raise...

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Guinea Bissau

UNDP is one of United Nation organisations that has targets for reducing poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination against women by 2015. On the ground in 166 countries, UNDP uses its global network to help the UN system and its partners to raise awareness,...

Worldchanging is a nonprofit media organisation headquartered in Seattle, USA, that comprises a global network of independent journalists, designers and thinkers. The team covers innovative solutions to the planet’s problems, and aims to inspire readers with stories of new tools, models and...


Globalhood is a research and consultancy group that aims to increase global prosperity and equality by bringing together people and resources from across disciplines and cultures to create innovative projects and to improve the effectiveness and sustainability of other organisations. The Group...

Globally Minded Works

Globally Minded Works is a non-profit organisation registered in the USA. The organisation supports education and charitable projects in Guatemala. The organisation provides scholarships and school supplies for children of Mayan families, and distributes water filters.

In: Standards

1.3 Medical equipment, products & supplies

Global Hand recommends the WHO Guidelines for Drug Donations as summarised here. By describing "good donation practice", these guidelines aim to improve the quality of drug donations.

In: Standards

2.2 Freight: Distribution

Global Hand recommends The Sphere Project's Minimum Standards where applicable to distribution of goods.

In: Standards

2.3 Freight: Resource Management

Global Hand recommends The Sphere Project's Minimum Standards where applicable to management of resources.

In: Standards

3.1 Financial Auditing

Global Hand and its members endorse the InterAction network's GIK-specific Standards (the AERDO GIK Standards). Global Hand is seeking, however, to apply the embedded principles in a broader, international context, as the AERDO GIK Standards were written specifically for US based non-profit GIK...

In: Standards

3.2 Legal Issues

Global Hand recommends InterAction's PVO Standards (InterAction), where applicable to legal issues.

In: Standards

3.4 Organisational Integrity / Transparency

Global Hand recommends InterAction's PVO Standards (InterAction), where applicable to this issue.

In: Customs

Lebanon Humanitarian Customs Regulations

This document was submitted in response to a questionnaire distributed by Global Hand regarding humanitarian customs information. It provides regulations for importing humanitarian aid into Lebanon.

In: Standards

1.1 Food or beverages

Global Hand recommends The Sphere Project's Minimum Standards (these specify the minimum levels to be attained in each area), where applicable to food and beverages. This document examines the relevant Sphere Project Standards.

In: Standards

1.5 Household goods

Global Hand recommends The Sphere Project's Minimum Standards, where applicable to household goods. "Families have access to household utensils, soap for personal hygiene and tools for their dignity and well-being."

In: Standards

3.3. Communications to the Public

Global Hand recommends InterAction's PVO Standards (InterAction), where applicable to this issue.

In: Standards

3.5 Human Resources

Global Hand recommends the People in Aid Code, on human resources.

In: Standards

Source Material

The Global Hand standards were extracted from among the following documents. We also list here some other humanitarian principles and standards documents which guided and informed the first draft of the Global Hand standards.

In: Q & A

Will the Global Hand site be in different languages?

You can also view this page in German. Diese Seite ist auch auf Deutsch verfügbar. Global Hand is currently only in English, although there are some key pages that have been translated into German and French to assist with understanding the functions of Global Hand. See ...