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In: Customs

Denmark Humanitarian Customs Regulations

This document was submitted in response to a questionnaire distributed by Global Hand regarding humanitarian customs information. It provides regulations for importing humanitarian aid into Denmark.

In: Customs

Thailand Humanitarian Customs Regulations

This information was submitted in response to a questionnaire distributed by Global Hand regarding humanitarian customs information. It provides regulations for importing humanitarian aid into Thailand.

In: Standards

1.4 Clothing or footwear or accessories or fabric

Global Hand recommends The Sphere Project's Minimum Standards, where applicable to clothing. "The people affected by the disaster have sufficient blankets and clothing to provide protection from the climate and to ensure their dignity, safety and well-being."

In: Standards

3.6 Programme

Global Hand recommends InterAction's PVO Standards, summarised here, where applicable to these issues.

In: News

Iraq Update - July, 2003

A digest of the information available on Iraq in Global Hand's REACT section.

In: Documents

User Agreement

Upon registration with Global Hand, users agree to abide by the terms and conditions contained in this User Agreement.

In: Documents

Verification requirements for non-profit organisations

Please note: Global Hand does not accept unsolicited applications for verification. Instead, we will approach non-profit organisations when a potential partnership opportunity that matches their interests is available.

In: Resources

UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises: Complementarities and Distinctive Contributions

The UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises Complementarities and Distinctive Contributions, the world’s foremost comprehensive, voluntary corporate responsibility initiatives, are clarified in this document as to the complementarities and distinctive contributions...

In: News

Typhoon Haiyan - Nov 2013

Nearly 12 million people have been affected by Typhoon Haiyan, one of the worst disasters to hit the Philippines in years. More than 900,000 people remain displaced, according to the UN. A national state of emergency has been declared, with Samar, Leyte, Cebu, Iloilo, Capiz, Aklan and Palawan...

In: News

Syrian refugee crisis – January 2014

More than 2 million Syrians have fled the nation's brutal conflict to neighbouring countries such as Jordan and Lebanon, with more streaming across borders daily. The crisis is so immediate that the UN has mounted its biggest ever campaign to give assistance to the hundreds of thousands...

In: Standards

1.2 Drugs and pharmaceuticals

Global Hand recommends the WHO Guidelines for Drug Donations as summarised here. By describing "good donation practice", these guidelines aim to improve the quality of drug donations.

In: News

Global Hand & the Tsunami Crisis: Product on Offer - January, 2005

Generous response from the international community.

In: News

Customs - Afghanistan, Cuba & Iran - February, 2004

Global Hand has sought to help ease logistics challenges by providing information from countries about their customs requirements. For several reasons, the process of gathering this information is difficult...

In: Resources

R.E.A.C.T. Asia Pacific Disasters

In September and October of 2009, Asia Pacific was struck by a series of natural disasters. Samoa was hit with an earthquake followed by a tsunami. Indonesia suffered two earthquakes near Padang. Typhoons Ketsana and Parma affected the Philippines and Vietnam. These situations require coordinated...

In: Resources

R.E.A.C.T. China Earthquake

On 12th May, 2008, a huge earthquake measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale hit China's Sichuan province. More than 69,000 people were killed and an estimated 5.36 million buildings collapsed. The needs are ongoing and Global Hand is committed to playing its part in keeping this crisis before our...

In: Resources

R.E.A.C.T. Myanmar (Burma)

Cyclone Nargis struck Myanmar on 2 and 3 May 2008 leaving around 140,000 people dead or missing. More than 2.4 million people were severely affected. Global Hand sees the ongoing need and is committed to playing our part, even after the initial response has slowed down.

In: Resources

R.E.A.C.T. Haiti Earthquake

On January 12th, an earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale struck 17km south-west of Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince. Tens of thousands are feared dead, many more are injured, and unknown numbers are still buried under the rubble. The entire capital appears damaged or destroyed, including...

In: Customs

Iraq Humanitarian Customs Regulations

This document was researched by Global Hand regarding humanitarian customs information. Please note, the UNJLC customs pages referenced below have been archived and thus are not maintained, or updated.

In: Resources

Corporate Social Responsibility: making good business sense

Built on the first CSR report, making good business sense, this document is the result of dialogues held globally. It offers insights into the way in which CSR is interpreted in different geographical regions, and provides some practical tools that companies everywhere can use to make CSR a...

In: Resources

Stimulating Youth Entrepreneurship - Barriers and incentives to enterprise start-ups by young people

The world’s population is growing at a time when traditional, stable labour markets are shrinking. More than 1 billion people today are between 15 and 24 years of age and nearly 40 per cent of the world’s population is below the age of 20. The ILO estimates that 47 per cent of all unemployed...