Environmental services
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Tanzania Economic Empowerment and Environmental Management Initiative ( Teeemi )

Teeemi is a National Non governmental registered organization having an aim to serve the community in terms of social, economical, education, health and nature activities for better future. Teeemi major projects are: 1.Tanzania Agriculture Initiative 2.Vocation Education Project 3.Tanzania...
Act women Foundation Uganda

Act women foundation Uganda was established in 2004 to help marginalized women and girls in areas of empowerment and recognition of their rights. The Foundation has experienced staff in human rights approaches and they cover the District of Kasese Uganda. Many women and girls have received help to...
One World Foundation Africa

One World Foundation Africa runs activities in both the UK and Uganda. The organisation partners with a number of other organisations such as Bukomero Development Foundation to implement some of its projects. In UK, they operate a community centre in East London from where they are engaged in...
UCESCO - Kenya

UCESCO Africa, Kenya is a charity Non-Governmental Organization in Africa, committed to support vulnerable women and children in urban informal settlements and marginalized rural villages through education, health and micro-business assistance in order to lift whole families out of poverty and...
Community Rural Engaement on Sustainability Initiative Uganda- CORESI_U
CBO (community-based organization) was established to run a Waste Management Center (WMC) which will treat both Fecal sludge (FS) and Solid waste (SW) collected by the sanitation workers of the WMC and brought directly to the facility by others. Waste collection fees, sale of various treated end...
Shule Foundation Inc

Shule Foundation is a registered 501C3 organization working in Uganda that works exclusively with boys ranging in age from 6 to 18 who are living on the streets of Kampala and Mbale. Through various programs - outreaches, skills training, family reunification, sponsorship, counselling and...
Molo Constituency Forest Association

The continuing growth and the attendant rapid physical expansions increase the pressure on both rural and urban resources. The so called rural crisis is a composite syndrome of resource taping poor planning and overall County Economic Problems. These problems have manifested in inadequate...
International Youth Council - Yemen (IYCY)

IYCY is a leading, independent and neutral non-governmental organization, working nationwide at different levels to promote equitable, inclusive, safe, resilient, sustainable development, deliver humanitarian assistances, and other relevant interventions for a better life and wellbeing of...
New Chapter Development for Youth (NCDY).

New Chapter Development for Youth (NCDY) is an NGO established in 2004 at grass root level from the initiatives of the people at the grass-root level. Since 2009 it serves at a national level. NCDY is determined to help all people regardless of their gender, marital status, disability, race, color,...
Social Development International (SODEIT)
Social Development International (SODEIT) is an NGO in Cameroon that works for poor and underprivileged communities. Target groups include children, adolescents and caregivers. The organisation aims to promote education and reduce illiteracy; build the capacity of the underprivileged to fight the...
El-Derash Children & Family Development Organization
El-Derash Children and Family Development Organization is an indigenous not for profit CSO that undertakes participatory community based development programs. It was established in April 2004 and re-registered in 2019 based on newly endorsed CSO proclamation. ECFDO envisions a self reliable...
Kabula Youth Development Association

Kabula Youth Development Association aims to create a self-sustaining generation of youth adults in Uganda. MISSION Empowering OVC and the Youth out of social marginalization, isolation and discrimination through income generating initiatives and formal education with basic...
To The Nations Ministries

To The Nations has been shipping containers from Australia to various countries in Africa, Zambia, Malawi, Nigeria, South Sudan, Tanzania, Swaziland and Kenya ever since 2009. Working with long term ministry partners we get 100 percent of all items to the people and places with need. Our network of...

Uganda Christian Institute for Professional Development is a community based and non profit making organization that works with the communities to address the challenges faced by the youth through provision of education and training for effective livelihood improvement. UCIPD was formed in 2010...
Special Emergency Activity to Restore Children's Hope ( SEARCH)

SEARCH strives to promote the well-being of children, women, refugees and a host of other population groups with intersecting vulnerabilities in Liberia and recently, South Sudan. We have several offices in Liberia and an international office in Juba, South Sudan, and have touched the lives of...
Teso Value Addition Center.

Teso value addition center is an agribusiness youth partnership in Uganda. The partnership processes and bottles 100% local fruits and other products, with a primary business of creating Profitable & Affordable Business Opportunities for small and mediums sized business enterprises. The...
Uganda Youth Development and Training Programme

Uganda Youth Development and Training Programme –UYDT is a youth; women led and focused organization formed in 2014. It’s registered under the district Local Government-Bukedea Town Council as a community Based organisation. UYDT works within a broad aim of enhancing Community efforts in promoting...
Barnamala Educational and Cultural Society
Barnamala Educational and Cultural Society is an NGO in West Bengal. The Society aims to help needy people achieve and sustain a better quality of life and to strengthen their involvement and their rights and responsibilities in regard to the development of the country.
African PRIDE Centre

African PRIDE Centre (APC) helps to educate children who live in poverty. Starting from Early Childhood Education (ECD) through to secondary education that is the hallmark of basic education, poverty remains a significant barrier to access and quality. APC helps to secure the right to access good...
La Terre Notre Planete (TNP)
La Terre Notre Planète(TNP), association law 1901 in France created on March 9, 2009 (W77200048) has for objective: Support socially for sustainable development through a number of pillars based on the environment, the solidarity economy, accountability, the fight against precariousness; Create...