Foundation HTG/Vidotrans (Humanitarian Transport Group)

A humanitarian transport organisation specialising in transporting relief goods worldwide, with a custom bonded warehouse based in Holland and an office in Oradea, Romania. It has facilities for short- or long-term storage and can purchase relief goods on behalf of other organisations. It is also...
Aid to Artisans
In its thirty years Aid to Artisans (ATA) has helped thousands of artisans through its “Market Link” program of product design, production and business skills. Handicrafts continue to provide an important source of income, especially in rural areas and especially for women. ATA helps artisans meet...
Optimizing your website: what every small business should know has written a document to guide small business owners to optimize their online presence. In the current business environment, having a website is a necessity for entrepreneurs, small businesses, home based businesses, and anybody selling products or services. Regardless of what...
IBLF Global

IBLF Global is an independent NGO supported by private enterprise and NGOs. Our mission is to engage business in implementing responsible business practices and culture in key commercial sectors. IBLF’s focus is on promoting anti-corruption, business ethics, and responsible business practices...
Tribal Enterprises (Bible Hill Youth Club)

Tribal Enterprises, an initiative of the Bible Hill Youth Club, an Indian NGO, is a social enterprise that provides provides skill training and produces market-based eco-friendly products, including women's clothing and traditional clothing designed by young people for young people.
Poultry innovation platform (entrepreneurship)

RIU Tanzania is building up a programme of poultry-related activities in partnership with a range of private sector organisations. The programme is seeking to develop agri-business entrepreneurship capacity through poultry farming for sustainable income generation and enterprise development in the...
Bundu Designs

Bundu Designs is a social venture and online marketplace that is transforming the awareness and consumption of contemporary African design products with a core philosophy of ethical, sustainable and fairly traded products. They currently work in collaboration with over 25 largely women's community...
Ecotact's Ikotoilet concept -- Sustainable sanitation services in Kenya

Ecotact is a Nairobi-based company established in 2008 to improve the urban landscape for low-income communities through environmentally responsible projects in sanitation and housing. Under the Ikotoilet project, Ecotact builds and operates high-quality, public pay-per-use toilet and shower...
Projects Abroad

Projects Abroad is an organisation registered as a company limited by guarantee in the UK. Established in 1992 to send university students from Sussex University to teach English in Eastern Europe, Projects Abroad now employs 20 people in the head office in the UK, and has nearly 500 trained staff...
Grameen Foundation

The Grameen Foundation is an independent nonprofit organization headquartered in Washington, DC with an office in Seattle. The Foundation was established in 1997 by friends of Grameen Bank to help microfinance practitioners and to spread the Grameen philosophy worldwide.
Global Institute for Tomorrow

The Global Institute for Tomorrow (GIFT) is an independent social venture think tank based in Hong-Kong. GIFT aims to link business, public policy and civil society issues in order to foster constructive dialogue and address globalisation-related challenges in Asia. The organisation runs a...

AccountAbility is a non-profit, membership organisation that promotes social and ethical accountability within organisations and businesses. AccountAbility is committed to improving performance of companies through the development and adoption of agreed standards which will help to move businesses...
Auction For A Cause

Auction For A Cause (former Auction for my Stuff) is a social enterprise which raises money for charity and provides structured work placements to enable unemployed young people to gain skills, experience and confidence for work. It does this by selling on eBay donated 'stuff' prepared for sale by...
EnterpriseWorks/VITA (EWV)
EnterpriseWorks/VITA (EWV) fights poverty in the developing world through business development programs that allow small agricultural producers and other entrepreneurs to increase their productivity and incomes, pursue sustainable business opportunities, and create jobs that benefit the families,...
Emmaus Greenwich

Emmaus Greenwich (EG) is a UK charity that offers an alternative approach to homelessness by using a social enterprise model. The organisation provides a practical approach to tackling homelessness by offering "Companions"( i.e. formerly homeless people living in the Emmaus community) a realistic...
Private Sector Supply-Chains Incorporating Social Enterprises

Some big businesses are currently active in the social business and enterprise sector using their skills to help entrepreneurs improve their business skills.
DFID plans to support development in fragile states
The UK's Department for International Development (DFID) has announced plans to support development in a number of fragile and unstable states, including Afghanistan, Somalia and the Congo. These plans support the Millennium Development Goals.
Piloting innovative social assessment in a Colombian oil field

In 2005, Occidental Andina, LLC, a subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum Corporation (Oxy) collaborated with Ecopetrol S.A., a Colombian state oil company, and International Alert, a London-based conflict resolution and peace building NGO, to develop a socially responsible enhanced oil recovery...
TEDCOR fosters urban renewal in the local community

Tedcor is an innovative and enterprising waste management company based in South Africa that offers integrated solutions for the collection, recovery and disposal of waste. Tedcor has been in the market for 12 years, working in close partnership with local communities to promote a clean healthy...
The Veolia Foundation helps to save jobs for people with disabilities

The Veolia Environnement Foundation is sharing in the costs of refurnishing the premises of ESAT (établissement ou Service d’Aide par le Travail) an organisation run by the French NGO, CPRH.