Daughters Africa Initiative
Unverified non-profit organisation
Daughters Africa Initiative is a grass root community based organization supporting education in the far hard to reach areas. Through ensuring all children have access to quality inclusive education, they Identify pupils of the school going age but are not schooling as well as those who dropped out find out why they’re not schooling then ensure they’re enrolled back in schools. Promotion of health care services like HIV/AIDS sensitization, clean water and sanitation. Engage youths in vocational studies especially those that dropped out of school and the young mothers. Provide SRHR services to the youths. Identify and support the most vulnerable families, orphans in the community for example support them with food, clothing, sheltering.
The initiative is made of a team of 8 people, 3 board members and 5 members volunteering with the organization.
https://www.facebook.com/daughtersafricainitiative/Year established
February/06th/2020Organisation annual cash turnover (in US$ equivalent)
Less than 500,000About this organisation
Partnership types
Advocacy of global issues; Doing business with the poor; Standards and guidelines...show all (6)Regions / countries / territories
Africa: UgandaGlobal issues
Children, youth and family welfare; Community development; Disability issues;...show all (12)Goods categories
Apparel & fashion; Arts, crafts & toys; Books & audiovisual; Computer...show all (12)Business sectors
Community and social services; Construction; Education and training; Environmental...show all (10)Disasters
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Global issues
- Children, youth and family welfare (3397)
- Community development (3815)
- Disability issues (851)
- Education and training (4221)
- Job creation and enterprise development (1321)
- Environment and climate change (1335)
- Financial accessibility and management (725)
- Food security and nutrition (1922)
- Shelter, housing, land management and construction (669)
- Human rights (1412)
- HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, health and medical (2795)
- Water and related ecosystems (968)