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Freeset is a fair trade business that offers employment to women trapped in Kolkota's sex trade. It makes quality jute bags and organic cotton t-shirts, but Freeset's business is freedom. The objective of Freeset is to see the 10,000 sex workers in its neighborhood empowered with the choice of...

Radiant Cosmetics

Radiant Cosmetic is a social enterprise whose mission is to garner awareness for human trafficking by raising funds through cosmetics, to provide resources for those on the forefront of change as well as victims of trafficking. Considering that the cosmetics industry generates $170 billion...

Beluah London

Beulah London is a luxury fashion company, founded in 2011 by English aristocrat Lady Natasha Rufus Isaacs and fashion designer Lavinia Brennan, that dedicates itself to social justice in its employment of Indian human trafficking victims to manufacture their clothing and accessories. The...

The Body Shop Foundation

In 2009, the Body Shop launched a 3-year strategic campaign in partnership with End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes (ECPAT). This was the first campaign of its kind between a major cosmetics company and an international network of local NGOs to...

Trazar Inc,

Trazar Inc. is a Liberian company based in the United States with a branch office in Liberia. The company provides underprivileged children with school supplies, food and clothes. Trazar also runs a magazine dedicated to Liberian culture, fashion and talent and the promotion of Liberian heritage....

Vision Spring

VisionSpring is a social enterprise which aims to provide affordable eyeglasses and access to vision care to neglected communities across the developing world while providing sustainable jobs. It trains local villagers on how to conduct outreach and vision screenings and how to operate a...

Artisans du Monde

Artisans du Monde, established in 1974, was the precursor of the FairTrade movement in France. The organisation now acts as the distribution network for the movement in France, running shops that stock 100% FairTrade products. Artisans du Monde also has an educational and advocacy role. ...

Fair Trade Egypt

Fair Trade Egypt (FTE) is s nonprofit organization whose goal is to empower Egyptian artisans through the practice of fair trade. FTE surveys the developing areas of the country, finds local treasures that have been traditionally manufactured for centuries and brings them to consumers. FTE...