Fountain Bulubandi
Unverified non-profit organisation
Aims, Objectives of the Church / Ministries
To fulfill great commission of Jesus Christ by proclaiming the Word of God to all mankind (Mathew 28:19-20)
To instruct and nature men, women and children in the Christian Faith and Holy living (Ephesians 4:1).
To demonstrate God’s love and concern for people by engaging in selective community Development projects based on Biblical principles. Such projects may create employment and meet the temporal needs of the people (Luke 10:27)
To support and propagate itself (Acts 2:47)
To create a basis for protectionism for the naturally handicapped (blind, lame, crippled, deaf, orphans, widows and others)
To establish churches, orphanages, schools, colleges / Universities, hospitals and bible institutions.
To hold educational and evangelical programs through the media that is Televisions and Radios.
To glorify God in everything (1 Corinthians 10:31)
To hold and participate in local and international crusades, open air evangelism, Conferences, workshops, seminars and door-to-door evangelism.
To solicit for and offers scholarships, bursaries to the disadvantaged children, youngsters and orphans.
To carry on Hospital, schools and Prison ministries and offer them with spiritual and physical support.
Participant in relevant networks
New Beginning International MinistriesFurther information
About this organisation
Partnership types
Advocacy of global issues; Doing business with the poor; Project funding; Provision all (5)Regions / countries / territories
Africa: UgandaGlobal issues
Children, youth and family welfare; Disability issues; Education and training; all (13)Goods categories
Agriculture, aquaculture & forestry; Apparel & fashion; Arts, crafts & all (16)Business sectors
Accounting and management services; Advocacy and legal services; Agriculture all (16)Disasters
East Africa CrisisYou might also be interested in:
Global issues
- Children, youth and family welfare (3397)
- Disability issues (851)
- Education and training (4221)
- Job creation and enterprise development (1321)
- Food security and nutrition (1922)
- Gender issues (1660)
- Shelter, housing, land management and construction (669)
- Human rights (1412)
- HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, health and medical (2795)
- Peace and security (364)
- Refugees and internally displaced persons (340)
- Labour conditions (256)
- Water and related ecosystems (968)