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Agriculture and livestock

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Partners With Melanesian Inc (Papua New Guinea)

Partners with Melanesians Inc. ( PwM ) is a national not-for-profit NGO involved in conservation, education and awareness, and sustainable livelihood alternative development programmes in local remote communities of Papua New Guinea. PwM has seven core programs and four project sites. Mission ...

The Telescope Journalistic Media international

The Telescope Journalistic Media International is a youth led non profit organization that deals in youth empowerment with its focus areas on education health environment youth development and agriculture.

Victoria Relief Foundation

Victoria Relief Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Texas USA to provide support to Southern Cameroonian Refugees in Nigeria. Mission : Mission: Victoria Relief Foundation exists to rekindle hope, provide relief and build resilience for the most vulnerable victims of violent...

Rescue Wing International

Violence against women has been increasing drastically in different shapes and forms. Starting from their own home to their workplace or public transports, women are harassed and dominated in all walks of lives. Rescue Wing was created with the sole purpose of empowering and educating women...

Fountain Bulubandi

Aims, Objectives of the Church / Ministries  To fulfill great commission of Jesus Christ by proclaiming the Word of God to all mankind (Mathew 28:19-20)  To instruct and nature men, women and children in the Christian Faith and Holy living (Ephesians 4:1).  To demonstrate God’s love and...

Nsambya Helpline Computer Women's Developpment Group

Nsambya Helpline Computer Women's Development Group (NHCWDG) is a non-profit and registered organization aiming at opening new pathways to economic opportunities through meeting the needs of the underprivileged women and girls, who mostly are school dropouts, by imparting in knowledge and training...

Save The Marginalized

Save the marginalized is community based organization which is nonprofit oriented registered under NB.CD/2499 but with the aim of improving people lives. Initially, the organization started its operations in Kamuli district supporting girls & women who have been victims of rape & sexual...

Spot light Villa Community

Spot Light Villa Community Organization was established in 2018 when a group of seven seniors ages 25 to 60 wanted to create a place with activities and support services that would cater to the specific needs of people living with poverty. Today, there are over three hundred active members. “The...

NAVTI Foundation Cameroon Verified non-profit organisation

Navti Foundation is a non-profit organisation in Cameroon working to promote economic development while meeting the needs of underprivileged women, children, and the rural population. Programmes include organising community and rural sustainable development schemes for poverty alleviation,...

Caring Haven Uganda

Caring Haven Uganda provides programs designed to benefit the grass root common person ranging from education, youth empowerment, talent development and health for the rural communities. The communities are characterized with poverty, illiteracy, and ignorance who have great difficulty meet the...

Transformative and Innovetive Agricultural Tanzania - TIAT

TIAT proud to have expertise, experience and competence in 4 major areas namely enhancing farmers on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), advocacy for gender equity and equality in owning and using resources in community, educating community on health issues and encourage environmental friendly...

FREEPLUS Foundation

Friends Rallying to Empower Each other Professing Love and Unity for Self-reliance (FREEPLUS)Foundation is a community based, non-profit making organization founded in 2016 by a group of unemployed and impoverished youths of Anai. The organization with help from the local community and...

Madilanyu Bee keeping Company

Madilanyu Bee Keeping Company was established as a peace building initiative between the refugee and the host community of Itirikwa sub county, Adjumani District. It was founded in the year 2014, as the refugees were seeking for asylums; majority did not have any livelihood project they are engaged...

Mamas for Burundi Association

MAFOBA is a non-profit association (asbl) initiated in 2015 by Burundian girls and women and approved by the Ministry of the Interior, patriotic training and communal development. MAFOBA is a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) who works for the promotion of socio-economic rights, peace,...

Healthier Hearts Foundation

The Healthier Hearts Foundation was established as a non-profit organization accredited by Economic and social council (ECOSOC) united Nations under Civil Society Organisation with the purpose of providing a safe haven where youth participate in a comprehensive program of health, awareness,...

Heaven's Holistic Development

Heaven's Holistic Development (HHD) is a local CSO established in 2018 and registered at the Agency for Civil Societies of Ethiopia in July 2019. HHD envisions a justice-based, poverty-free, democratic and self reliable society in Ethiopia. Its mission is to ensure a better life for people...

New Vision Printing and Publishing Company Ltd

New Vision Printing and publishing Company Ltd aims to be the leading media house in Uganda which offers services like talk shows, news paper adverts, spot adverts documentaries among other broad cast services. The company also offers printing services for information education materials, annual...

Association de Producteurs des Céréales de l'Uélé (APCU_KIBALI) OR. UÉLÉ CEREAL GROWERS ASSOCIATION

Created in 2017, APCU_KIBALI is a DRCONGO registered developmental initiative aimed at supporting the livelihoods of the most vulnerable groups living around the Mining areas (Youths,Disabled people,Elderly people,Women and Children);by engaging them in productive businesses for self-reliance.

Kihanga Farm Transport And General Trading Company Limited

Kihanga Farm Transport and General Trading Co. Ltd is a private company incorporated in 1999 as a Limited Company under Companies Act, 2002 by Reg. No. 35681. The company mainly undertakes farming activities, transport, agro-dealer and civil works tendered by government (TANROADS and TARURA),...

Partners for Relief and Development Organization (PARDO)

The main goal of PARDO is to create partnership and contribute to a sustainable socio-economic development for vulnerable groups and needy communities through community engagement, capacity building, advocacy, relief and institutional strengthening at the grass root, regional and national levels in...