Live in Green Live in Wealth Youth Initiative (LGLWYI)
Unverified non-profit organisation
LGLWYI is a youth founded Non-profit Organization whose primary mission is “Eradication of poverty, food insecurity and fostering high quality of life for the people whilst safe- guarding the long-term environmental sustainability”.
To promote awareness among the people of the value and importance of planting trees (including fruit tree and tree lots) for different purposes; how to raise and tend tree seedlings and ways of integrating trees into farming systems through the production and dissemination of public awareness materials.ii. To enhance capacity of farmers to apply appropriate technologies and sustainable farming practices (including: composting, soil and water conservation, integrated pest management, environmentally sustainable application of agrochemicals, etc.) through awareness and training workshops, information dissemination and extension services.
iii. To engage the women and youth especially the school dropouts to acquire practical skills in environmental management through training the agroforestry practices.
iv. To promote afforestation and reforestation programs in the country.
v. To offer extension services to agro forestry farmers in the country.
vi. To encourage forestry sustainable development.
vii. To provide high viable tree and agricultural seeds to local and potential farmers.
viii. To conserve and protect nature and biodiversity.
ix. To co-operate with other Organizations for the purpose of development of Live in Green Live in Wealth Youth Initiative, Sharing and exchange of information with other Companies, NGOs and International Humanitarian agencies on issues of Environment.
x. To develop and promote integrated youth livelihood and environmental projects that intends to curb poverty and create jobs in the country
Future Plans
1. Advocate for more funds; although a lot has been addressed as far as environment in Kyaka 11 is concerned, more funds is needed to broaden the project in order to eliminate most of the challenges that were faced as its recorded that most of the challenges were influenced by inadequate funds
2. Establishment of demonstration gardens; these will be used for training, research and referral purposes
3. Incorporation of all age groups; the project objectives is to eradicate SGBV, poverty, food insecurity and to promote environmental conservation which do not discriminate age
4. Raising of seedlings of various tree/fruit species; in addition to Pine, Eucalyptus, Citrus, Mangoes and Passion, Pawpaw, Carriandra, Grevillea, Guava and so many others will be raised
http://www.liveingreenlyi.orgYear established
2016Organisation annual cash turnover (in US$ equivalent)
Less than 500,000Participant in relevant networks
Live in Green Live in Wealth Youth Initiative, is in partnership with various International, National NGOs and Government Agencies in Uganda and these include, UN-Refugee Agency (UNHCR) Uganda, ACTED-Uganda, Office of the Prime Minister (OPM)Uganda, Nsamizi, Uganda Coffee Development Authority, NAADS etc.Further information
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Copy Of Memorandum and Articles of the Association
- Local Councils Recommendations
- Recommendation by NGOs
- Recommendation by NGOs
About this organisation
Partnership types
Advocacy of global issues; Doing business with the poor; Standards and all (6)Regions / countries / territories
Africa: UgandaGlobal issues
Agriculture, aquaculture and forestry; Children, youth and family welfare; all (13)Business sectors
Agriculture and livestock; Aquaculture; Environmental services; ForestryDisasters
Congo; Uganda: Floods - May 2013; East Africa CrisisYou might also be interested in:
Global issues
- Agriculture, aquaculture and forestry (1080)
- Children, youth and family welfare (3397)
- Community development (3815)
- Disasters and humanitarian affairs (1515)
- Job creation and enterprise development (1321)
- Energy (246)
- Environment and climate change (1335)
- Food security and nutrition (1922)
- Gender issues (1660)
- Refugees and internally displaced persons (340)
- Tourism, travel, leisure and sports (208)
- Trade and development (271)
- Water and related ecosystems (968)