This offer is no longer available to non-profit organisations.
ONGOING OFFER: Provision of green powered solutions to rural villages to increase their livelihood.
General information
Overall description
Clean Power for Humanity would like to donate solar and wind powered solutions to rural villages in China and Myanmar to increase village livelihood. We installed a horizontal axis wind turbine in Ma Cha village in Gansu Province in July. We are looking for another project to help impoverished communities. This is not a one-off offer. It is ongoing.
We would like to engage in a sustained partnership.Partnership types
Provision of goods; Provision of services / personnelFurther information
Global issues
EnergyRegions / countries / territories
Asia: China; MyanmarServices / personnel details
Services / personnel description
Help with installation of solar powered systems and wind turbine systemsType(s) of services / personnel
Environmental services; UtilitiesOne off or ongoing partnership
I may do both.
This offer requires no payment.
Goods details
Goods description
Solar panel, battery, horizontal axis wind turbineType(s) of goods
Electrical & electronics; EnvironmentalLocation
Ningbo, China
Frequency (one-off or ongoing)
I may do both.
I can transport these goods (or cover cost of transport).
Expiry dates are not relevant to these goods.
These goods are new.
Organisation details
Organisation name
Clean Power for Humanity LimitedAnnual turnover (US$)
Less than 500,000Contact details
Only verified non-profit organisations who have exchanged contact details may view this.Responses
Latest responses:
Zombo Rural Development Network Association (Zorudena )
over 3 years ago -
Africa ICT Right
over 3 years ago -
over 3 years ago -
Jesus Refuge Mission South Africa (Jromsa)
about 4 years ago -
over 4 years ago
30 Sep 2015 07:49 GMT
Epiphany Trust
(Verified non-profit organisation)
Bill Hampson says: Epiphany Trust supports a number of schools in remote villages in Karen province of Burma (Myanmar) over the border in Bangladesh around Rajshahi and in the Chittagong region of Bangladesh. Would appreciate contact to explore possibilities for working together in those villages.
01 Oct 2015 05:03 GMT
Youth and Women's Alliance for Rural Development (YAWARD)
(Verified non-profit organisation)
Limited access and use of energy is cited in the Uganda National Development Plan(NDP) for 2010/11 to 2014/15 as significantly slowing down economic and social transformation .The (NDP) focuses on increasing access and consumption of electricity by investing in least cost power generation ,promotion of renewable energy and social transformation.The Government of Uganda has recently set a target of "electricity for all" by 2035 and the REA plays a key role in managing the rural electrification Strategy and plan .Gender is not considered in the current rural electrification policy documents,however labor and health burden of biomass energy use are mentioned in the Uganda Energy Policy(2002) and the integration of the gender dimension is included in the policy objectives and strategies of the Renewable Energy policy (2007). Current energy use in Uganda is dominated by traditional biomass- based energy sources, around 95 percent of the total primary energy consumption.More than 80%of house holds depend on fuel wood for cooking .At present electricity access stands at 7% which is most concentrated in Kampala and nearby towns;rural access is about 2.5%,Kerosene(paraffin) is the major source of lighting.Women and children and Women have the task of provisioning the household with wood fuels and of cooking.The principal issue for women is the cooking energy system which is extremely time consuming,human - energy intensive and exhausting work,and highly inefficient.The health effect of biomass fuels are becoming increasing well known,addition must be added the time women spend feting water,preparing and transforming food products,doing household chores,taking care of children,the sick and the elderly, as well as women's dominant productive role in agriculture and especially food production,all compounded by HIV/AIDs crisis.Lack of biomass,mechanical and electrical energy are direct contributor to women being "overburden" and a core component of the "double workday of women" that women work substantially more than men do in both the"market"and "house hold"economics.
Clean power for community extension and installation of the Solar and wind power project will have these remarkable impacts to the rural communities in Uganda as below;
the provision of electricity in rural areas of Uganda has considered potential to improve the lives of women and men as well in many ways,in their domestic and markets works as well as communities.
Rural electrification projects contribute to achieving higher order and maximize impacts to improve women's and men livelihood opportunities and empowering women;and most importantly it can ensure that women and men benefit equally.
Other includes;Positive social- economic impacts of rural are time saving,employment,education,to safety and maternal health,productive use of HIV/Aids,cervical cancer and related heath care campaign targeting all communities,improve maternal heath since back -up power systems at hospitals ,health centers and clinics,women to spend less time going to grind among others.
In Kind Regard,
Tel.+256 752473676
10 Oct 2015 01:45 GMT
Centre Chretien d’Espoir Pour les Orphelins (CECESO)
Unverified non-profit organisation
John Sunday Martin says: Centre Chretien d’Espoir Pour les Orphelins (CECESO)is NGO established in Central African Republic in 2007 with mission of improving the quality of lives of the vulnerable orphans and and women in Central African Republic and our focal programs are:-
a)Education:-provision of substantiate scholarship and scholastic materials to the most needy orphans and girls to continue on with education; as well offering vocational training skills in various fields to most vulnerable women in Central African Republic which is key for their success in life and reduce poverty and economic marginalization of women in Central African Republic.
b)Health: - medical treatment assistance and hygiene promotion for personal health of the orphans and protection from hygiene related sickness
c)Housing and orphanage: provide house for the most vulnerable widows and orphans, as well sheltering special needy orphans in orphanages
d)Feedings:- Substantiate Food Aid and feeding to address nutrition needs of the orphans
e)Food Security:- Food crops farming where the organization is having 10 hectare Hope Orphan’s Nutrition Farms as well helping most vulnerable families in household farming for sustainable food security and development that contribute for wellbeing of the children
f)Relief supplies:- this is where the organization is supporting relief aid such as clothes, shoes, blanket, kitchen utensils and other none food items for the orphans and vulnerable families within our reach
g)General Counseling and Guidance; Offering free counseling services for the orphans and their guidance to overcome their sociological, emotional and physiological problems so as to be positive in life
We are real interested in your products (solar and wind powered solutions ) for our orphanages in Central African Republic that has been facing humanitarian crisis and would be very grateful if you could consider, and provide us with your products too.
We look forward from you;
John Sunday Martin
Volunteer (Partnership and Project Services Officer)
Centre Chretien d’Espoir Pour les Orphelins CECESO)
Tel: +236-70070474
23 Dec 2015 11:55 GMT
Kikulumi Water Project Group
Unverified non-profit organisation
Peter Mbithi says: i would be grateful if you will kindly consider extending the offer of clean energy, especially provision of solar energy to Kikulumi water project members who live in darkness as there is no provision for clean or any energy to them
23 Dec 2015 07:47 GMT
Centre for Environmental Action and Development (CEAD)
Unverified non-profit organisation
CEAD says: Nepal based Centre for Environmental Action and Development (CEAD) is supporting earthquake victims by electrifying their shelters, camps, schools, health posts and community toilets. I hope your product will be very useful for those earthquake victims.Almost 80% of victims in rural Nepal still living in darkness now.
For more information and support contact us
03 Jan 2016 11:44 GMT
Resurrection Faith Church (Life Chapel International)
Unverified non-profit organisation
ABRAHAM EXCEL HALLELUYAH says: Provide care for orphans in Cameroon Shalom Charity hello brothers and sisters the shalom charity say hi in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. brother we need your help in this charity. place of the shalom charity is Douala-Cameroon. under LIFE CHAPEL INT DOUALA CAMEROON. TEL:(+237) 651143521/677478700/666922335/673576204/665213775. Who are we trying to help? What issue are we trying to address? We operate in Village and Town. The economy here is agrarian in nature. The major economic activity in and around the villages is subsistence agriculture. There are no hospitals or clinics in some Village. The village doesn’t have electricity or piped water so that people drink directly from the river without any purification or filtering system. This means that children suffer from waterborne diseases. There are also many mosquitoes which transmit malaria, and the the shallow toilets that attract flies also help to transmit disease. We want to do something about the poor hygiene existing in the area, and that particularly affects children. SHALOM CHARITY is a Christian charity in Cameroon committed to the provision of humanitarian relief and development assistance to communities in crisis. SHALOM CHARITY focuses on help for under-privileged girls and boys, widows, aging persons, handicapped persons, pregnant women, mothers and children in need. What is our project and how will it help? We want to run a child care project that will help children to look after themselves better. The project aims to provide better food, clean drinking water and basic medical care and educational support for orphans and destitute children. Our specific objectives are: 1- To make sure no child goes hungry; 2- To provide clean drinking water to all children in need; 3- To wash and keep children clean and healthy; 4- To provide basic medical care to children; 5- To provide early childhood education to underprivileged children; 6- To promote child evangelism and discipleship; 7- To develop a partnership between Shallom Charity Child Care Centers and partners. Activities: 1- Making food available to the children so that no child stays without eating; 2- Making clean water available to the children so that no child should stay without clean drinking water; 3- Washing and keeping the children clean and healthy; 4- Making sure that basic medical care is available to all children;
26 Feb 2016 07:30 GMT
Husambae Community Based Organization
Unverified non-profit organisation
Michael Joseph Bole says: We are very interested for any Donor/volunteers to offer us Husambae Community Based Organization , which deals with HIV/AIDS,Orphans and vulnerable children and widows in Kenya with Donation of fund,medical equipment,school equipment's,computers,used car,and any kind of support to us.Our needy orphans,widows,HIV/AIDS really need your support and partnership.
We hope to read from you very soon,
Michael Joseph Bole
Husambae Community Based Organization-Kenya
18 Aug 2016 02:23 GMT
AMNEX Christian Community Academy
Unverified non-profit organisation
SICHINSAMBWE AMON says: we are more than happy to see this happening please considere us .
we are in the area of educating kids living with HIV orphans and vulnerable kids in the heart of Zambia
contact us on +260977134873
for more information you can find our profile at global hand network
13 Mar 2017 05:20 GMT
Kingston-Diaspora Medical Centre In Partnership with ADICAR Vocational Training Institute
Unverified non-profit organisation
Francois Steven GANAYE says: We are a team in Central African Republic running a medical Centre specialize in emergency, ambulance etc However we cannot do much because electricity problem. We have sometimes 24 hours of electricity per week and we are using flash-light AA baterries to assist people. Our rural communities and our centre will appreciate if you could please provide us with solar panels for the medical purppose. we look forward to hear from you.
Best regards,
Steven Francois GANAYE. Founder of Kingston-doaspora Medical center.
31 Jul 2017 08:20 GMT
Sevac Foundation Uganda
Unverified non-profit organisation
okullo jimmy felex says: SEVAC Foundation Uganda was registered on 28 February 2016 after operating as community base organization for four years. It was due to the 2 decade of war in northern Uganda that have prompt families to become vulnerable leading to wide spread of HIV/AIDS, resulting many orphans , low level of education , high poverty rate, agriculture crumble and health , SEVAC Foundation Uganda was established in 2012 to help the orphans , vulnerable and youngster disabilities in Uganda to tackle their significant health, social, educational and economic needs. The main aims to assist with the following:
To empower children by:
• Promoting quality rehabilitation services that improve the functionality of children and youngsters with disabilities;
• Ensuring the systematic removal of barriers and biases that children in the programmes experience in their communities, and enable their participation and inclusion.
• Support the health of children ,orphan and youngster disabilities
• Assist people to become active in their communities by participating in HIV/AIDS and health projects
• To take ownership of their resources and gain a sustainable income through tourism and micro-finance projects
In 2013, SEVAC Foundation Uganda established an education program, child sponsorship to support the local education system and to develop the knowledge and skills of young people to the appropriate national level.Contact me on +256776063061 , or our address: Muntu building, plot 10, ojwina road, lira district, northern uganda
okullo jimmy felex Executive director sevac
21 Aug 2017 06:10 GMT
Sevac Foundation Uganda
Unverified non-profit organisation
okullo jimmy felex says: northern uganda for 2decades of kony war have suffered politically, socially and economically with prudent high poverty level,low electricity , people live in grass thactched house using kerosene lamp for lighting, therefore it call for donation of solar to save the eye problems , i look forward to hearing from you.
thanks jimmy felex
30 Sep 2017 03:44 GMT
Nambikkai Trust
Unverified non-profit organisation
Joseph nirmalraj. S says: Dear Sir/Madam
Nambikkai Trust (NT) has been started in the year 2007 by a group of committed individuals. NT is located in Tirukkovilur in Villupuram District. We are a social service organisation working for the empowerment of vulnerable people with special focus on children in and around Tirukkovilur. Nambikkai Trust believes that today's children are tomorrow's citizens and hence the Trust special attention is given to children. NT has been working with the following kinds of children and working towards improving their living conditions:
1)street children;
2)working children;
3)run away children;
4)orphans and semi-orphans;
5)children from weaker sections.
Villupuram is one of the districts in Tamil Nadu that falls behind in various social indicators. Child labour and child marriages are highly prevalent in the district. The rate of child marriages in the district is (21%) higher than the Tamil Nadu state average (15%).[1] In addition to the child marriages, child labour is prevalent in the district. In spite of efforts put forward by Nambikkai and other such organisations, issues of child marriages and child labour are rampant within the district.
Child trafficking is one more issue prevailing in the district. Children, particularly girl child, are trafficked as domestic helps to various places in Tamil Nadu and outside Tamil Nadu. Such children face severe physical and emotional abuse both in the short term and the long term. Nambikkai Trust is putting in efforts in fighting these social evils by bringing in awareness and thereby empowering the people vis-a-vis child related issues. Campaigns related to child labour, child marriages, child trafficking, HIV AIDS, significances of education, etc, are being undertaken by the Nambikkai Trust.
Nambikkai Trust is CHARITABLE TRUST working for the vulnerable groups of people in our society. Presently we are working in Villupuram District,we mainly focus on children who are in risk.(Orphans,street children,child labour,physically and sexually abused, girl child facing child marriages,missing child).We are a partner of CHILDLINE 1098 WHICH IS PROJECT OF MINISTRY OF WOMEN AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT,GOVERNMENT OF INDIA.We have stopped nearly 220 child marriages,filed cases against sexual abuses,rescued child labourers and rehabilitated them,we have also rescued trafficed child.For all our work we have supporting documents like FIR and letters from the district administration. Till today we are supporting nearly 1500 children in our DISTRICT.Dear Sir/Madam we are doing these work with the help of donations and contributions from generous people like you,we kindly request you to support us. Through 1098 child helpline daily we get a number of cases and we have to address it immediately in order to safe guard the child in risk.We provide food,clothing,shelter, medical support,educational support,school enrollment,ITI fess and with the help of CHILD WELFARE COMMITTE AND DISTRICT SOCIAL WELFARE OFFICE WE PROVIDE REHABILITATION FOR THE CHILD
Due to increased harassment on girl children we have formed an awareness team who go about in schools and villages and educate the girl children about good touch and bad touch. We also educate the parents in the villages to form safe circle for girl children. We request you to support our new campaign that we are doing for the girl children.
S.Joseph Nirmal Raj
Managing Trustee
07 Nov 2017 06:12 GMT
Power Star FC , Namibia
Unverified non-profit organisation
Daniel Shikusho says: we are interested in these offer since we are located at the rural area were there is little of electricity these will help us to have power at our community. and receiving such offer from you will help our sport team to be joined by a lot of community member who will benefit from these offer once we will receive it.
07 Nov 2017 06:12 GMT
Power Star FC , Namibia
Unverified non-profit organisation
Daniel Shikusho says: we are interested in these offer since we are located at the rural area were there is little of electricity these will help us to have power at our community. and receiving such offer from you will help our sport team to be joined by a lot of community member who will benefit from these offer once we will receive it.
01 Apr 2018 03:19 GMT
Youth and Women's Alliance for Rural Development (YAWARD)
(Verified non-profit organisation)
Mr.Ronald Olung says: we previously placed our request still pending and need the offer to assist rural women in Northern Uganda improve on their livelihoods.
09 Apr 2018 08:54 GMT
Sevac Foundation Uganda
Unverified non-profit organisation
okullo jimmy felex says: most of the villages in otuke district northern Uganda still not have access to electricity and they are still using hurricane lamp which is not good for human health, we asked for donation of this offer
11 Apr 2018 10:35 GMT
Unverified non-profit organisation
KISUBI DENIS says: Hello Clean Power for Humanity Limited Team, Give Hope Uganda is pleased to apply for this offer to your organisation. Give Hope Uganda’s Headquarters office is located in Bukasa Village, Bweyogerere Division, Kira Municipality, Wakiso District. Give Hope Uganda is a registered
(WCBO/1955/17)community based organization with membership of 50 members who are in the communities where she works and these members
do the mobilization on its behalf. All the members are volunteers. The CBO has mandate to operate within Wakiso District of Uganda but at the moment it operates in Kira Municipality.
“To deliver cutting edge interventions which create opportunities for livelihoods improvement for children, youth, women and the needy” by providing basic social services and basic needs like food, education, basic health care, water, clothing, employment, etc that improve the living conditions of the needy children, youth and women and their families and support the emancipation of orphans and needy groups in the communities.
Target Population:
Give Hope Uganda’s target populations are Children, Youth, Women, Orphans and vulnerable children. Emphasis is on needy and suffering
children, jobless illiterate youth, jobless and aging women and youth and women living with and/or affected by HIV/AIDS within the
We shall be glad to give the needy we serve in our community with you help.
Kind Regards
Kisubi Denis
Executive Director
+2567 8025 0089
24 Oct 2018 07:47 GMT
Odollo Self Help Group
Unverified non-profit organisation
Steven Were says: Should nothing be done to equip teen mothers and young widows without necessary life skills and economic tools requisite to support themselves and their orphans; the society should ready itself to face a storm of street children and crime, an up-tide in prostitution and related health implications; a clear propagation of the unfortunate cycle of human suffering. We are rebuilding lives of 100 teen mothers and through Training in Tailoring and design as well as other craft courses.
We strongly feel that this offer posted by you can be of some great help to our youth. Our email is;
23 Nov 2018 12:42 GMT
faith multpurpose co-operative society
Unverified non-profit organisation
lewis mwila says: Dear sir/madam,
we are interested in your offer we are zambian youing people we are in skills training we would like to work with you for information kindly contact lewis mwila+260968821911
e-mail ;
lusaka, zambia
22 Dec 2018 06:56 GMT
Sevac Foundation Uganda
Unverified non-profit organisation
okullo jimmy felex says: we are still intersted in the offer
18 Nov 2019 02:54 GMT
Unverified non-profit organisation
Angeki Emmanuel says: Hello, bibblesfoeuganda supports over 200 school going children in uganda. With the current school under construction in an area with no electricity, this green power support is valuable for this small children to read their night prepes, kindly reach us on,
24 Sep 2020 06:25 GMT
Hiire Siraji Development Group For the Needy
Unverified non-profit organisation
HIIRE SIRAJI says: iam interested in the offer to boost village life contact me 0775357328
07 Oct 2020 11:10 GMT
Unverified non-profit organisation
07 Oct 2020 10:15 GMT
Kingston-Diaspora Medical Centre In Partnership with ADICAR Vocational Training Institute
Unverified non-profit organisation
Francois Steven GANAYE says: Good day Sir,
I have been looking for assistance in Solar panel for a medical centre for vulnerable people . I saw your comment. Are willing to help?
Please see below my email address:
Kind regards,
23 Nov 2020 09:28 GMT
Unverified non-profit organisation
24 Jan 2021 03:04 GMT
Jesus Refuge Mission South Africa (Jromsa)
Unverified non-profit organisation
Tamara says: We are interested
17 Jun 2021 03:11 GMT
Unverified non-profit organisation
Uchenna Celestine Okonkwor says: Hello,
My dear.
We are a faith based organization and we run schools for the poor and less privileged.
Please am interested to have the shipment. I based in Lagos, Nigeria.
23 Jul 2021 02:28 GMT
Africa ICT Right
Unverified non-profit organisation
Daniel Kwaku Ganyoame says: I am writing on behalf of our organisation Africa ICT Right in Ghana.
We support schools and hospitals here with ICT solutions and would be glad to support these facilities with solar power.
We would be glad to partner with your outfit to expend this donation program to underserved villages and schools in Ghana to help impoverished these communities.
Please get in touch with us via
We look forward to your response. Thanks
10 Oct 2021 02:18 GMT
Zombo Rural Development Network Association (Zorudena )
Unverified non-profit organisation
JOHN WILEMBE says: This offer will reduced the level of poverty of rural women in zombo,westnile region of uganda where povrty level is high.
We look forward for your response,