Environment and climate change
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Just Care Foundation
Just Care Foundation (JCF) is a Ghanainan NGO focusing on advocacy, health, water and sanitation, environment and climate change, human rights, education, women's empowerment and agriculture.
Uganda National Volunteers Link
Uganda National Volunteers Link is a volunteer agency that works through national volunteers to implement core development programmes in a range of thematic areas including education,health,climate change and youth engagement.
Christian Peace Foundation (CPF)
The Christian Peace Foundation (CPF) is an NGO in Pakistan. CPF works with grassroots communities and with people who believe in human liberation. The organisation aims to raise awareness about education, poverty, health and ignorance among the poorest and most marginalized communities. and to...
Les Familles et Environnement Restaurés
Les Familles et Environnement Restaurés is an NGO in the Ivory Coast that works for food security. The organisation is currently involved in attempting to raise funds to undertake a topographic study of 100 ha of lowland to start a project that will eventually provide more than 200 jobs.
Active Women for the Protection of the Environment
Active Women for the Protection of the Environment is an NGO in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The organisation aims to protect, promote and defend the rights of women and to work for a safe environment and for development. ...
Millennium Promise Alliance, Inc.
Millennium Promise is the leading international non-profit organization redefining the approach to ending extreme poverty and achieving the Millennium Development Goals in rural Africa, moving communities from hunger to self-sufficiency by 2015. We oversee the Millennium Villages Project, which...
Commonwealth Peoples Association of Uganda (CPAUG)
The Commonwealth Peoples Association-Uganda (CPAUG) is an NGO that works primarily on advocacy promoting the values of the Commonwealth. The organisation has implemented several programmes focusing on information advocacy targetting young people in and out of school. Topics discussed at meetings,...
Alternatives Durables pour le Développement (ADD)
Alternatives Durables pour le Développement (ADD)is a Cameroonian NGO that works with and for deprived rural communities. The organisation's main aim is to create a resource and training centre for the communities with which it works. ADD has implemented projects in health, agriculture and...
Beakanyang Kafo (Equal Opportunities for All)
Beakanyang Kafo (Equal Opportunities for All) is an NGO in the Gambia that works with rural communities across the country. The organisation works on issues related to 'seducation, human rights promotion, climate change mitigation, and women empowerment.
Defence Pest Management
Defence Pest Management is an Australian company that specialises in complete pest control services from pest identification to eradication and prevention.
CARE International - Honduras
CARE is one of the world's largest private international humanitarian organisations, committed to helping families in poor communities improve their lives and achieve lasting victories over poverty. CARE began operations in Honduras in 1954, providing emergency assistance to hurricane victims and...
LightBySolar Global
Light By Solar is a UK company that provides all in one solar lighting kits and solar products for the home, work, streets, photography and videography, mines, paths, compounds and solar power UPS for all needs.
Friends of Environment for Development (FED)
Friends of Environment for Development (FED) is a Ugandan NGO that works with underprivileged communities on issues related to agriculture, the environment, income generation, water, hygiene and sanitation. Current programmes include environment and natural resource management, livelihood...
Orangutan Foundation
The Orangutan Foundation is a UK registered charity working to conserve the threatened orangutan and its globally important habitat, the tropical forests of Borneo and Sumatra.
Groundwork Environmental Initiatives
Groundwork Environmental Initiatives is an NGo in Kenya that focuses on creating and promoting environmental awareness, training, sensitization and education in urban and rural communities, and educational institutions.
Ndongo United Herbalists Development Association
Ndongo United Herbalists Development Association(NUHDA) is a Ugandan NGO that aims to help people make use of local herbs to treat disease.At the same time, the organisation aims to work on environmental issues and to campaign for human rights. To date, the Association has established a clinic,...
Chanua Upakulia Foundation(CUF)
Chanua Upakulia Foundation(CUF) is a Bangladeshi NGO that works in the coastal areas of the country on issues relating to community development. The Foundation currently runs a library, a computer training course and a school.
Uganda Sustainable Agricultural Support Organization (USASO)
The Uganda Sustainable Agricultural Support Organisation (USASO) is an NGO that promotes sustainable agriculture through participatory and innovative practices, including organic farming. The organisation provides training in sustainable methods particularly for small scale farmers. ...
MedWish International
MedWish International is a non-profit organsation committed to the recovery and recycling of donated medical supplies. The recycled supplies are made available to individuals and organisations providing medical care in developing countries throughout the world. Globally, the MedWish International...