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Environment and climate change

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Partnership aims to stop rare plant smuggling

TRAFFIC-Hong Kong, one of the 22 branches of a NGO network that monitors wildlife trade globally, partnered with Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd to improve the airline's ability to stop the smuggling of rare plants on its planes.

WWF and IKEA Conservation Partnership

IKEA and WWF began a co-operation in 2002 to jointly promote responsible forestry in priority regions around the world. Together the two organizations have planned and implemented a series of projects in China, Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The projects are important...

Developing hybrid diesel-electric delivery trucks

In 2000, FedEx Express and Environmental Defense Fund struck an alliance to develop a delivery truck that dramatically decreases emissions while increasing fuel economy. The result was a diesel-electric hybrid, an ideal application for hybrid technology, given the frequent stopping and starting of...

Greenpeace and Marks & Spencer: Sustainable seafood procurement

Marks & Spencer (M&S) has adopted a Policy on Sustainable Sourcing of Fisheries Products, which applies to all seafood sold, including fish used as an ingredient. M&S came top of Greenpeace UK's Recipe for Disaster, a study of UK supermarkets, ranking them by their seafood policies.

Unilever and WWF establish certification for sustainable fisheries

The MSC Standard by the Marine Stewardship Council is the only internationally recognised set of environmental principles for assessing fisheries to establish whether they are well managed and sustainable. The MSC is an independent, global, non-profit organisation which was set up to find a...

NIKE Village Development Project

Nike in partnership with the Population & Community Development Association (PDA) and local villages, established the ‘NIKE Village Development Project’ in Thailand.

Eni E&P Division and Shell Italia launched biodiversity project

Eni E&P Division and Shell Italia E&P established a working group that, in 2003, launched the AgriBioDiversity project, in collaboration with Fauna and Flora International and the World Conservation Union and others, for biodiversity monitoring in the ecologically sensitive area of Val...

ExxonMobil is partnering with SEED Foundation to promote sustaining global water supplies

Imperial Oil Limited, the Canadian affiliate of ExxonMobil, is partnering with the nonprofit Society, Environment and Energy Development Studies (SEEDS) Foundation to bring environmental education to secondary schools in Canada.

Giving Hand

Giving Hand is a non-profit organization that facilitates "giving" unsold products and donations from worldwide corporations and retailers to meet the needs of appropriate charitable organizations in China. These goods are functional unsold or late merchandise, out of season or mis-colored goods...

Business Environment Council (BEC)

The Business Environment Council (BEC) promotes corporate social and environmental responsibility in Hong Kong. Set up by business for business in 1989, BEC offers sustainable business solutions covering baseline assessment, advisory, research, training and award programmes for companies across all...

Conocophillips builds partnership with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to protect threatened migratory birds

For more than a decade, ConocoPhillips and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation have worked hand-in-hand to conserve birds and other wildlife, while educating children and adults about the natural world.

Coca-Cola develop community water partnerships with NGOs

Coca-Cola collaborates with UNDP, USAID, Global Water Challenge, PlayPumps International, CARE, Ocean Conservancy and others to protect watersheds and support initiatives that bring clean water and sanitation to under-served areas.

Building NGO capacity for pipeline monitoring and audit in Azerbaijan

In Azerbaijan, BP and the Open Society Institute-Assistance Foundation are working together to support national NGOs' capacity development through facilitated monitoring and audit of the Baku-Ceyhan-Tbilisi and the South Caucasus Pipeline projects.

Partnership between Allianz and The Climate Group

The Climate Group Leadership Coalition of major regional governments and companies - including one of the founding members Allianz - has committed at the highest level to leadership on the issue of climate change. The Climate Group works with members of this coalition to advance global efforts on...

Allianz partners with the WorldWide Fund For Nature

Since September 2007, Allianz has been cooperating with WWF on a firm three-year master agreement. One of the main goals of this collaboration is to precisely quantify not just the direct effects, but also the indirect effects of climate change of the Allianz Group.

Syngenta and Earthwatch work together on biodiversity conservation

Syngenta and Earthwatch share interests in research on biodiversity conservation in agricultural landscapes. The programme aims to raise awareness and understanding with staff, stakeholders and policy makers on current research and best practice in combining crop productivity and biodiversity...

The Mitsubishi Corporation Fund supports Earthwatch

The relationship between Earthwatch (Europe) and Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) began in 1993, initially through the Mitsubishi Corporation Fund for Europe and Africa (MCFEA), a charitable trust based in London, established by the company to promote environmental and social projects in those regions.

Cadbury and Earthwatch conduct joint research in sustainable cocoa production

In December 2004 Cadbury launched the Earthshare programme. The Earthshare programme creates a partnership between all stakeholders interested in cocoa farming in Ghana: Earthwatch, Cadbury staff and business units, early careers Ghanaian scientists, researchers, local communities in Ghana,...

Aviva/Earthwatch Europe Award for Climate Change Research

Aviva sponsors the Aviva/Earthwatch Europe Award for Climate Change Research. The award is granted to an individual field scientist, currently working with Earthwatch, who is carrying out research relating to the issues of climate change.

Earthwatch and Anglo American formed a 'Sustainable Development Policy Support Partnership'

The partnership with Earthwatch and Anglo American enjoyed a pilot employee engagement programme in 2004, linking with their own internal training programme.