Greenpeace and Marks & Spencer: Sustainable seafood procurement
Marks & Spencer (M&S) has adopted a Policy on Sustainable Sourcing of Fisheries Products, which applies to all seafood sold, including fish used as an ingredient. M&S came top of Greenpeace UK’s Recipe for Disaster, a study of UK supermarkets, ranking them by their seafood policies.
This was of benefit for both Greenpeace and M&S, providing public recognition for M&S and giving Greenpeace a strong retailer to hold up as an example of how things should be done. Greenpeace even adapted the company’s sustainable seafood tagline — support the best, avoid the worst, help the rest improve!
When, in 2006, Greenpeace UK followed up with Recipe for Change, M&S again finished at the head of the field. As Greenpeace reported in 2007, M&S undertakes that every seafood product must be obtained from reputable producers, operating within relevant regulations and with respect for the environment.