Partnership between Allianz and The Climate Group
The Climate Group Leadership Coalition of major regional governments and companies – including one of the founding members Allianz – has committed at the highest level to leadership on the issue of climate change. The Climate Group works with members of this coalition to advance global efforts on climate change mitigation.
Using the work of these leaders, as a catalyst, The Climate Group works to accelerate international action on climate change with a new, strong focus on practical solutions. The group promotes the development and sharing of expertise on how business and government can lead the way towards a low carbon economy whilst boosting profitability and competitiveness.
Allianz has commissioned a group-wide task force, called the “Climate Core Group”, which will systematically examine climate change-related risks and opportunities in their business operations across all business lines. The task force will act as a Center of Competence for the Board of Management and the business lines, and will cover all possible issues such as assessing the insurability of wind energy producers and introducing risk assessment tools like flood zoning and natural catastrophe modeling.