Forest and Agroforestry Promoters Cameroon (FAP NGO) Cameroon

Unverified non-profit organisation

Forest and Agroforestry Promoters (FAP NGO) Cameroon is an NGO that aims to to promote the sustainable management of the natural and wetland resources in the Western highlands of Cameroon. The organization FAP was created in May 2001 by indigenes of the North West Region who have interest in the sustainable management of natural and wetland resources.
The organization is registered with the government of Cameroon with reference number:
137/E31/067/SCAB in March 2004.
FAP’s mission is to promote the sustainable management of the natural and wetland resources in the Western highlands of Cameroon.

FAP’s Activities include
1. Capacity-building (especially for communities) in the domains of tree nurseries, tree planting, forest enrichment, beekeeping, market gardening, sustainable agriculture and livestock production;
2. Identification and conservation of ecotourism sites and the sustainable management of wetlands resources;
3. Facilitation of dialogue processes between the multiple users of wetland and other natural resources;
4. Establishment of tree nurseries for forestation, reforestation and forest enrichment activities;
5. Environmental Impact Assessment;
6. Advocacy for women’s rights and participation in natural resources management processes;
7. Communicate market channel to target communities.

Specific problem addressed by FAP in her activities
- Low family incomes
- Poor farming practices
- Uncontrolled exploitation of forest/wetland resources
- Low capacity of community members to generate income from their resources. (Poor management capacities)
- Poor leadership within groups and communities.
- Conflict over the use of wetland and other natural resources.
- Fast depletion of natural resources due to unsustainable exploitation by rural communities.

Approach to these problems
In order to address these problems, FAP uses gender-sensitive participatory approaches to build the capacities and empower poor community members technically. With this approach, FAP expects to achieve a more equitable access to and control over natural resources within the community and to reduce poverty and unemployment.

FAP focuses on the rural population of the Cameroon which constitutes 80% of the total population of the region. The reason for focusing on the rural population is because they depend on natural resources for most of their income generating activities (crop production, livestock rearing including beekeeping, exploitation of timber and non timber forest products). Because of their poor organization and poor management capacities, these resources are depleting thereby rendering them even poorer.


Year established

2001 and legalized 2004

Organisation annual cash turnover (in US$ equivalent)

Less than 500,000

Participant in relevant networks

GEF CSO Network UNCCD Western Highlands Nature conservation Network (WHINCONET) North West Development Organisation(NWADO) National Environmental stakeholder (NESCAM) Netherlands Development Organization (SNV) Netherlands Senior expert volunteers (PUM) Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) The Netherlands Embassy Cameroon Trees for the future USA International Tree Foundation UK Agric Dynamic NL Dignity international Malaysia Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Cameroon Ministry of Environment, Nature protection and Sustainable development Ministry of Forestry and wildlife Cameroon Mbororo Cultural and development Association (MBOSCUDA) Apiculture and Nature Conservation (ANCO) North West Association of development Organization (NWADO) Local Partners Municipal Councils Federations of farming group Unions of farming group Development Associations Village Traditional Councils

Further information

About this organisation

Partnership types

Doing business with the poor; Project funding; Provision of services / personnel; all (4)

Regions / countries / territories

Africa: 14 countries (show) Americas: 14 countries (show) Asia: 4 countries (show) Middle East: 6 countries (show) Oceania: 4 countries (show)

Global issues

Agriculture, aquaculture and forestry; Community development; Environment and all (4)

Goods categories

Agriculture, aquaculture & forestry; Environmental

Business sectors

Agriculture and livestock; Community and social services; Education and training; all (6)


Kenya; Ethiopia: Floods - Apr 2013; Ecuador: Floods and Landslides - Apr 2013; all (10)