LandVista NPC
Unverified non-profit organisation
LandVista NPC operates under the name LandWorks, is registered as a Public Benefit Organisation in South Africa and a Foundation in Chile. LandWorks’ main operational focus is strategic community intervention at the socio-economic and environmental nexus. Over the past 10 years they have been developing and implementing projects relating to global issues of climate change/adaptation, community-driven wildland fire prevention and disaster risk reduction, especially in poor, rural communities that are often the most affected. LandWorks currently employs a team of 22 experienced individuals, each with their own strengths, covering a range of skills; advocacy, facilitation and communication, environmental management, project management and financial management. With a combination of top-down ( strategic, donor and government challenges) and bottom-up approach ( community needs and challenges) Landworks impacts positively over a long-term . Landworks engage in developing modular approaches that are catalytic, replicate-able and scale-able, thus have a range of modalities that are transferable. LandVista NPC is a registered training organisation and holds a 4 star (Health and Safety) NOSA certificate in South Africa. Project partners include donor agencies such as the Global Environment Facility and the United Nations Development Programme, government agencies such as the South African Department of Environmental Affairs, the Tanzanian Department of Forestry and Beekeeping and the Lesotho Department of Rangeland Management. Corporate partners include the commercial forestry and the insurance sector. LandVista NPC believes that it has much to share with other countries facing similar challenges, especially in the arena of community-lead disaster risk prevention.