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Financial accessibility and management

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HELP - Germany

HELP is a German non-governmental charitable organisation and is engaged in emergency assistance as well as rehabilitation and development projects. HELP aims to encourage the efforts made by communities affected by catastrophes and misery -- to have them improve their living circumstances...

Small Enterprise Assistance Funds (SEAF)

Small Enterprise Assistance Funds (SEAF), an international fund company, aims to encourage entrepreneurs in emerging markets and help sustain the new economy. SEAF invests in small and medium size businesses that are unable to obtain long-term equity due to their size or location and provide...

Triangle Génération Humanitaire

Founded in 1994, Triangle Génération Humanitaire is a non-governmental organisation based in France that specialises in international relief and development. Triangle Génération Humanitaire organises humanitarian interventions for refugees, provides construction and equipment of centers for the...

Foundation for International Community Assistance (FINCA)

Foundation for International Community Assistance (FINCA) provides microfinance services - microcredit and savings products - to the world's poorest families through a global network of locally managed, self-supporting institutions.

Women in Agribusiness in Sub-Saharan Africa Alliance (WASSAA)

The Women in Agribusiness in Sub-Saharan Africa Alliance (WASSAA) is a grouping of entrepreneurs from sub-Saharan countries with a focus on creating a strong and reliable network of women and young people in the agribusiness sector. WASSAA particularly wants women in all walks of life in the...

African Development Bank (AFDB)

The African Development Bank, a financial institution sponsored by developed countries, was formed to combat poverty and to improve the lives of poor people of Africa. Its mission is to further economic and social developments through loans, investments, operations, and funds.

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organisation of 184 member countries. It was established to promote international monetary cooperation, exchange stability, and orderly exchange arrangements; to foster economic growth and high levels of employment; and to provide temporary financial...

Kyembogo Farmers' Association (KYEFA)

The Kyembogo Farmers' Association (KYEFA) is a Ugandan NGO. KYEFA is involved in the provision of farming development services, micro-enterprise development, water and sanitation, health education, pre-primary / primary education, improving orphans’ welfare and general poverty eradication...

Women of Purpose Community Development Centre

The Women of Purpose Community Deveopment Centre is a Kenyan NGO that aims to empower women, particularly widows and poor women, and orphans and vulnerable children. The organisation tries to address issues such as poverty, illiteracy,reproductive health and outdated cultural practices that...

Kakiri Family Care Organisation

The Kakiri Family Care Organisation (KAFKO) is a Ugandan NGO KAFCO contributes to the improvement in standards of living of needy families and communities through programmes addressing poverty, education, health, human rights and HIV/AIDs.

Peace and Love Entrepreneurs Women

Peace and Love Entrepreneurs Women is a Tanzanian NGO. The organisation works for underprivileged women on community development, particularly on the provision of education and training for entrepreneurship.

Lore & Light Society

The Lore and Light Society is an NGO in Pakistan that aims to support deprived communities in various ways, particularly in regard to the improvement of health and education services for those living in rural areas. The Society focuses on awareness raising in regard to hygiene, the need for...

Nagaland Centre for Human Development and Information Techonology (NCHD-IT)

The Nagaland Centre for Human Development and Information Technology (CHD-IT) is an Indian NGO. The Centre works in participatory community development, aiming to build leadership capabilities for socio-economic empowerment amongst women, children and youth through training, information technology...

Movement of Voice for Democracy (Movers Nigeria)

Movement of Voice for Democracy (Movers Nigeria) is a peoples rights and economic empowerment association. The organisation's objective is to educate and mobilize Nigerians to be productive entrepreneurs through pooling talents and resources for the promotion of mutual interests.

Hope Alert Network for Development and Local Empowerment (HANDLE)

HANDLE (Hope Alert Network for Development and Local Empowerment) is an NGO that works in Northern Uganda helping victims of war and civil conflict to rebuild their lives. HANDLE programmes provide education, HIV/AIDS care, livelihood enhancement, trauma counselling, micro-credit, and community...

Kayunga Intergrated Community Action for Development (KICAD)

Kayunga Intergrated Community Action for Development (KICAD) is an NGO in Uganda. KICAD undertakes innovative programmes for development through actively involving distressed, marginalized and poor people, especially, orphans and vulnerable children, young mothers, young people, the elderly and...

Children 4 Children International

Children 4 Children International is an NGO in Cameroon. The organisation is involved in capacity building and entrepreneurship, offering training in job interview skills, strategies and resume writing. Children4Children also runs a book club for young people and a job cafe. Training for managers,...

Women Development Organization (WDO)

The Women Development Organization (WDO) is an NGO in Balochistan, Pakistan. The organisation aims to assist in the creation of a democratic and justice-based society through the empowerment of women and other marginalised groups through focusing on human rights and development. WDO is involved in...

Doors of Hope Foundation

The Doors of Hope Foundation is a Malawian NGO that promotes community health and integrated development nationwide. The organisation focuses on human rights ans democracy, education, health and nutrition, water and sanitation, food security and women and girls' empowerment. It works with community...

Nsinze Youth Group for Economic Development

The Nsinze Youth Group for Economic Development is an NGO in Uganda. The Group promotes self-help initiatives for its members who come from 72 villages in the area. The Group aims to work cooperatively in its efforts to eradicate poverty.