Barclays and Citigroup participate in NGO-corporate partnerships to support vulnerable children in rural Kenya
Under an initiative led by Pathfinder and Barclays Bank of Kenya, Ltd., the Kabras Jua Kali Association (KJKA) runs a program for orphans and vulnerable childred (OVC) aged 15 to 21 years.
The program trains them in vocational skills such as carpentry and tailoring, and provides access to jobs and resources such as micro-credit groups. Together with Citigroup, Barclays are members of the Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, whose mission is to lead an international coalition of companies in corporate social responsibility programs that fight to end HIV/AIDS.
Out-of-school vocational training, equipment and guidance toward financial independence are key to the survival of vulnerable youth and their dependents in a faltering economy. Through these dynamic partnerships between Pathfinder, local partners like KJKA, Barclay’s Bank, and Citigroup, active community support for vulnerable youth continues beyond project inception. Pathfinder’s successful initiatives have supported over 55,500 orphans and vulnerable children in the neediest communities in Kenya.