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Financial accessibility and management

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IHOPE Foundation

IHOPE Foundation is a Kenyan NGO working to improve rural health through creative and innovative approaches targeting the most at risk population. Thematic areas include health, reproductive health, OVC support, water sanitation and health education, and the environment.

Mbonweh Women's Development Association

The Mbonweh Women's Development Association is a women-led NGO in Cameroon that strives for equal justice and fair treatment of all irrespective of gender. The Association works a range of initiatives including education and vocational training, sustainable agriculture, women's empowerment,...

Helping Children

Helping Chldren is a Sri Lankan NGO that focuses on children and young people. The organisation is involved in a range of programmes including early childhood development, protection of children's rights, protection of the environment, entrepreneurial development, education and training, health...

Enactus Strathclyde

Enactus Strathclyde is a social enterprise set up by students in Scotland. The organisation has a microfinance team, and in addition, works on technology development in order to assist small businesses in less developed countries.

Opportunity International Australia

Opportunity International Australia provides small loans to families in developing countries to help them start a business, earn an income and leave poverty behind. By helping a mother buy a sewing machine to start a tailoring business or a father buy seeds to plant a vegetable garden, small loans...

Backward Society Education (BASE)

The Backward Society Education (BASE) is a Nepalese NGO that works for the education and rehabilitation of marginalized communities. The organisation also fights against social and political discrimination. BASE is not just an NGO but one of the largest social movements in South Asia. with a...

Gennesaret Development Foundation

Gennesaret Development Foundation is a youth focused NGO which seeks to contribute to economic growth and human development across sub-Saharan Africa

Indus Society for Rural Development (ISRD)

The Indus Society for Rural Development (ISRD) is a Pakistani NGO that began by promoting self-help in regard to saving and internal lending. The organisation has also established the Earth Stars Academy in Islamkot, providing high school level English medium education. Overall, ISRD aims to ...

Roshni Welfare Organization

The Roshni Welfare Organization is a Pakistani NGO that works for the empowerment of women and young girls in the remote areas of Sialkot. The organisation regularly organizes women's rights awareness programmes, and has launched an awareness campaign about the act designed to protect women from...

Foundation for Health and Social Economic Development Africa

The Foundation for Health and Social Economic Development (HESED) Africa is a Kenyan NGO that addresses problems facing children, women and youth in the context of health and social economic empowerment while integrating cross cutting issues such as HIV/AIDS, human rights, peace building and...

Chingola Community Initiative Support Organisation

Chingola Community Initiative Support (CCISO) is a Zambian NGO involved in community empowerment, adult education (literacy classes), and the provision of basic computer lessons, carpentry, tailoring and catering.

Focus On Northern Uganda Development Initiative (FONUDI-Uganda)

Focus on Northern Uganda Development Initiative (FONUDI-Uganda) is an NGO that works to facilitate the recovery and development of Northern Uganda from the recent war. The organisation works on issues related to access to justice, and on the development of peace and equality. FONUDI promotes...

Pratibha Mahila Evm Bal Vikas Samiti

Pratibha Mahila Evm Bal Vikas Samiti is an Indian NGO that works on issues related to women's empowerment, community motivation and awareness, education, health, the environment, child rights, tribal development and vocational training.

Xpress ICT

Xpress ICT Business Centre is a rural business centre in Uganda. The Centre provides training in a number of computer programmes.

SUKH Human Development Welfare Foundation (SHDWF)

SUKH Human Development Welfare Foundation (SHDWF) is an NGO in Pakistan. The organisation conducts training in sewing and tailoring, computers and other business skills for women. SHDWF also runs a micro-finance scheme for women, and runs awareness training sessions for women and children. ...

PILI (Charityfor the Development of the People at the Margins)

PILI (Charity for the Development of the People at the Margins) is a South African NGO that works in South Africa and in the war torn zone of the Democratic Republic of Congo and in Burundi,. In South Africa, the charity assists refugees with advice and referrals, vocational skills training and a...

South Vihar Welfare Society for Tribal

South Vihar Welfare Society for Tribal is an Indian NGO that works among vulnerable communities on combating human trafficking, livelihoods, health and nutrition, education and the rehabilitation of victims. Target groups are children (0-12), adolescents (12 -18) and tribal women living in...

Mustard Seed Fund Zambia

The Mustard Seed Fund Zambia is a Christian microlending ccmpany aiming to impact 100,000 families with a microloan by 2020 to help them improve their lives.

Society for Participatory Integrated Development

The Society for Participatory Integrated Development is an Indian NGO that works on issues related to health, education and other basic needs such as water and sanitation. Current projects include a gender resource centre, an open shelter for...

India Evangelical and Educational Rural Development (IEERD)

The India Evangelical and Educational Rural Development(IEERD) is an NGO that works for the upliftment of down trodden and needy people. The organisation is involved in vocational training for poor women , environmental protection adult education, medical camps, youth development and services for...