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Financial accessibility and management

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CARE Australia

CARE Australia is an Australian charity and international humanitarian aid organisation fighting global poverty, with a special focus on empowering women and girls to bring lasting change to their communities. Its mission is to serve individuals and families in the poorest communities in the world....

Foundation Center

Established in 1956, the Foundation Center is one of the leading source of information about philanthropy worldwide. Through data, analysis, and training, it connects people who want to change the world to the resources they need to succeed. The Center maintains the most comprehensive database on...

The Asia Foundation

The Asia Foundation is a non-profit NGO that is committed to the development of a prosperous and open Asia-Pacific region. It has four areas of particular interest: Governance Law and Civil Society, Women's Participation, Economic Reform and Development, and International Development. It undertakes...

Catalyst Foundation

Catalyst Foundation is a NGO aiming to equip families, in Vietnam, with the tools to get out of poverty and to raise awareness of human trafficking at the grassroots level in order to strengthen community protective mechanisms. Community-education workshops are delivered to Catalyst’s target...

Charities Advisory Trust

The Charities Advisory Trust is an innovative organisation, concerned with redressing inequalities and injustice in a practical way. The income generation of charities is seen as a way of effecting change. The organization helps other charities with their trading and equips graduates to work in the...

Rural Family Life Development Ghana

Rural Family Life Development Ghana is an NGO that aims to assist rural communities and projects in the general area of health, education and micro-finance. The organisation has made donations of equipment to schools and other organisations, and is also involved in a micro-finance project for 40...

Australian Charities Fund

The Australian Charities Fund was founded in order to facilitate individual giving to charities, through incremental payroll donations from both employees and employers. The Workplace Giving programmes enable employees to make regular contributions to their preferred charities in an...

Mayerthorpe Area Community Foundation

The Mayerthorpe Area Community Foundation (MACF) invites applications for projects from non-profit community groups working within the fields of social service, community development, education, recreation, health, the arts, and the environment. It provide grants to encourage community pride,...

Kitchen Table Charities Trust

The Kitchen Table Charities Trust is a British NGO established to help small charities in Africa.The Trust provides grants to local organisations for projects designed to help transform the lives of individuals or communities. The Trust's priorities are primary education, health (including water...

World Bank - Mozambique

The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans to developing countries for capital programs. Its official goal is the reduction of poverty. The World Bank has invested US$ 4.1 billion in Mozambique to date, and its current portfolio comprises non-lending (technical...

Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF)

The Hanns-Seidel-Foundation(HSF) is a non-profit political with the aim of fostering living conditions around the world that enable people to live in dignity, thus making a contribution to eradicating poverty. Its large range of political education promotes citizens’ engagement in democracy, rule...

Funding Factory

In 1997, the US-based FundingFactory developed a fundraising programme for educational and non-profit organisations in the United States. It has a printer cartridge and cell-phone recycling programme, whereby businesses, groups or individuals could register with FundingFactory and choose an...

Womankind Worldwide

Womankind Worldwide is an international women’s human rights charity working to help women transform their lives in Africa, Asia and Latin America. They partner with women’s rights organizations who are challenging discrimination and violence. Womankind Worldwide delivers the essential support –...

World Bank - Afghanistan

The World Bank is one of the world's largest sources of development assistance. In Afghanistan, the World Bank helps to meet the immediate needs of the poorest people while assisting the government in developing the administrative systems required for longer-term nationwide development. The World...

MacArthur Foundation - India Office

The MacArthur Foundation is a private, independent grant making institution dedicated to helping groups and individuals foster lasting improvement in the human condition. By providing grants and low-interest loans, the foundation fosters the development of knowledge, nurtures individual creativity,...

Y Care Charitable Trust Botswana

Y Care Charitable Trust is a charity which aims to raise funds for community projects and originations in Botswana while simultaneously enabling its sponsors to experience parts of Botswana that had not been a reality to them. The core activity of Y Care’s fundraising work is the walks. The...

World Bank - Kazakhstan

The World Bank is one of the world's largest sources of development assistance. It is a development bank which provides loans, policy advice, technical assistance and knowledge sharing services to low and middle income countries to reduce poverty. The bank promotes growth to create jobs and to...

Asian Development Bank (ADB) - India

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is a multilateral development finance institution dedicated to reducing poverty in Asia and the Pacific. ADB’s principal tools are loans, guarantees, and technical assistance, which it provides mainly to member governments for specific projects and programmes. India...

Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Laos

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is a multilateral development finance institution dedicated to reducing poverty in Asia and the Pacific. ADB’s principal tools are loans, guarantees, and technical assistance, which it provides mainly to member governments for specific projects and programmes. Laos...

CARE International - Canada

CARE Canada provides aid, support and emergency relief to individuals and families in the poorest communities of the world. In its capacity, Care Canada influences policy decisions at all levels, provides economic opportunity and addresses discrimination in all its forms. In more than 80...