Financial accessibility and management
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US Agency for International Development (USAID) - Supports Economic Empowerment for the World's Poor Through Microfinance (press release)

The press release from USAID outlines the agency's involvement in micro enterprise development projects during the 1990s, and claims that ‛micro enterprise development, providing credit and economic opportunity to the disenfranchised poor, helps ensure that the benefits of economic growth are...
Citi Dhaka arranges loan for NGO micro-finance institution

In July 2009, Citi Dhaka helped arrange a syndicated loan (subscribed by a group of local banks) for $21.7 million for BURO, a not-for-profit that is one of the fastest growing microfinance institutions in Bangladesh. BURO Bangladesh is a specialized micro-finance institution that provides high...
Surviving disaster and supporting recovery: A guidebook for microfinance institutions

This guide seeks to assist MFIs in defining an institutional strategy for disaster preparedness. It lays out the steps for assessing the potential risk of disaster, the clients’ needs and the institutional capacity to respond. Based on assessments, it offers a variety of recommendations for...