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Financial accessibility and management

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India Evangelical and Educational Rural Development (IEERD)

The India Evangelical and Educational Rural Development(IEERD) is an NGO that works for the upliftment of down trodden and needy people. The organisation is involved in vocational training for poor women , environmental protection adult education, medical camps, youth development and services for...

Alliance for Development

Alliance for Development is a Ghanain NGO that works for sustainable development in four thematic areas: environment ggriculture and food; trade, employment and education; health and Energy; and governance, leadership and democracy.

Participation for The Community Foundation (PCF Yemen)

Participation for the Community Foundation PCF Yemen)is an NGO that aims to develop a package of community-based efforts to improve basic education, prevent the spread of disease, expand economic opportunity and empower women and young people. The organisation also works with leaders of...

Maa Guru Information Technology Samaj Sewa Samiti

Maa Guru Information Technology Samaj Sewa Samiti Bhopal is an Indian NGO that runs a social development programme focusing on the promotion of quality basic education among poor rural communities and assisting the development of an environment that stimulates parents to send their children to...

Global Equity Brokers Verified non-profit organisation

Global Equity Brokers is a New Zealand based organisation that understands the needs of Western business people and tailors opportunities to suit clients. In collaboration with other international agencies, Global Equity Brokers identifies opportunities to match individuals with specific...

YWAM Mercy Ministries International Verified non-profit organisation

YWAM-Mercy is operational in more than 100 countries as it seeks to impact more than 100 million living in absolute poverty in the next 20 years. From agricultural assistance to health care to micro enterprise development, YWAM-Mercy seeks to meet the felt needs of individuals and communities,...

Mercy Corps Verified non-profit organisation

Mercy Corps is a not-for-profit organisation international humanitarian agency, involved in emergency relief, sustainable community development and civil society initiatives. Mercy Corps accepts in-kind donations that meet the needs of their field programmes, such as building materials and...

World Harvest Verified non-profit organisation

World Harvest is an international relief and development humanitarian organisation that was founded in 1989. World Harvest works with poor people in transforming their lives mainly through health care, food security, micro enterprise, education and awareness process. Initiated in Indonesia, World...

Ast Shea Tulu (AST)

Shea Tulu (AST) is an NGO in Mali that works for the economic empowerment of women producers of shea butter in rural West Africa. AST helps women owned cooperatives to produce for the market and sell high-quality shea butter while providing them with business training and finance.

Alternatives Durables pour le Développement (ADD)

Alternatives Durables pour le Développement (ADD)is a Cameroonian NGO that works with and for deprived rural communities. The organisation's main aim is to create a resource and training centre for the communities with which it works. ADD has implemented projects in health, agriculture and...

Ngoma Sub County Youth Development Association

NSYDA(Ngoma Sub county Youth Development Association)is a Ugandan NGO that focuses on the development of young people through joint goat rearing projects, a small scale loan scheme with low interest rates; a joint business project and bee keeping. The Association is also involved in sanitation, ...

Mulembe Foundation

Mulembe Foundation is a Kenyan NGO that aims to guide the next generation towards development and leadership through economic activities that will generate income, reduce unemployment, substance abuse, urban migration and child labour.

Abexinah Orphans and Vulnerable Community

Abexinah Orphans and Vulnerable Community is a rural Ugandan CBO. The organisation's main aim is to empower women , young people, vulnerable children and orphans. To this end, it runs a savings and credit scheme. Other activities include livestock rearing , crop production, supplies for...

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) - Nicaragua

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and disadvantaged. CRS has been working in Nicaragua for more than 40 years, and currently runs programmes in agriculture, health, microfinance, civil society and human rights....

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) - Vietnam

Catholic Relief Services - Vietnam supports projects initiated by local partners in the areas of education, including special programmes for disabled children, agriculture/rural enterprise development, microfinance, and emergency mitigation and relief.


ACDI/VOCA is a merger of Agricultural Cooperative Development International and Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistance, a private, nonprofit organization that promotes broad-based economic growth and the development of civil society in emerging democracies and developing countries. The...

Welcare Centre for the Helpless Organisation (WCHO)

The Welcare Centre for the Helpless Organisation (WCHO) is a Gambian NGO that works for the economic and social empowerment of the needy. The organisation encourages people to identify and use African solutions and the resources available to them to achieve economic empowerment and sustainable...

Jeunesse Alternatives

Jeunesse Alternatives is an NGO that works on poverty reduction in accordance with the poverty reduction strategy for Cameroon. The organisation focuses on health, entrepreneurship and micro-credit, and encourages its target group of young people to become involved in decision making.

Women and Children’s Aid for Development Uganda (WOCAD)

Women and Children’s Aid for Development, Uganda (WOCAD) is an NGO that aims to help the disadvantaged to reach their full potential by empowering them and providing resources that will help them to become self reliant and useful to their communities. Programmes focus on education, livelihood...

Stichting voor Gemeenschapsontwikkeling en Verzelfstandiging

The Stichting voor Gemeenschapsontwikkeling en Verzelfstandiging (VGOV) is an NGO based in Suriname, South America. The organisation works in rural areas and its main goal is to use education as an instrument of development to support people in rural areas, especially school dropouts with a focus...