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Food security and nutrition

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Baptist World Aid Australia Verified non-profit organisation

Baptist World Aid Australia supports child sponsorship and community development projects in over twelve countries across Africa and Asia. They also contribute to relief in emergency situations around the world, and are committed to working with volunteers in Australia. Their vision is to share...

Local Sustainable Communities Organization (LOSCO)

LOSCO is a Church not-for- profit Non- Government Organisation founded to bring about practical inclusive development through promoting inclusive policies and practices. LOSCO emerged as a result of informal discussions and sharing of experiences between Church Leaders, Social Workers and Local...

Hope and Aid Direct Verified non-profit organisation

Hope and Aid Direct take aid to the victims of the war-torn areas which were formerly Yugoslavia. The major component of this programme has been organising and running convoys of trucks carrying food and supplies from the UK to the affected regions. The organisation works with local NGOs to ensure...


OCIA is a multi-layered non-profit organization focused to ensure that adequate care and support are provided to both orphans and vulnerable children abandoned by parents and families. OCIA assists such children to be educated and trained so as to be successful and useful members who can contribute...

MOUCECORE: Mouvement Chretien pour l'Evangelisation, le Counseling et la Reconciliation

Created in June 1993 and legally registered as a non-profit association in January 1994, MOUCECORE (Christian Movement for Evangelisation, Counselling and Reconciliation) is a Rwandan Christian organization which aids churches in community development. In every community it enters, MOUCECORE...

Stichting Christian Refugee Relief (CRR)

With aid transports and volunteers, CRR provides practical assistance to refugees on Lesvos, Samos, Chios and the Greek mainland. By helping hands in the relief camps & by setting up and executing various combined aid transports.

Enaya Organzation

Enaya Organization is the Entity of "Enaya Foundation" which is dedicated for Social Cohesion and Reintegration (SCORE) calibrated and adapted to the context of Civil war 2014 in Yemen to benefit citizens of Yemen with regards to reform process in agriculture policy , to improve the economic...

True North Aid

True North Aid is dedicated to serving and supporting northern Indigenous communities in Canada through practical humanitarian support. With more than 60 per cent of Indigenous children living below the poverty line, there is much work to be done. The issues facing Indigenous communities in Canada...

Equal-World Development (EQWODET)

Equal-World Development is a registered Local Non-Governmental Organization, non-political, non-religious working in partnership with both local partners in tackling poverty and hunger cases, climate change and all forms of Social injustices, responding to emergencies and disasters of any kind,...

Dhagagia Social Welfare Society

Dhagagia Social Welfare Society (DSWS) was established in 1994. The Organization aspires with the evangelical endeavour to proceed for a society where the moral values and good principles of life living would be followed. The evils will be perished away and the people will live with justice,...

Programme d'Appui à la Lutte contre la Pauvreté pour l'Emergence et la Restauration d'un développement durable, en sigle PALPER asbl-RDC

Programme d'Appui à la Lutte contre la Pauvreté pour l'Emergence et la Restauration d'un développement durable, en sigle PALPER asbl-RDC, is a non profit organization who are based in DRC Republic Democratic of the Congo. The organization helps vulnerable people in difficult situations and...

Teamwork Children Centre

Teamwork Children Centre (TWCC) was founded in 2004 by Lawrence Ihans who had a vision of thousands of children’s workers going to every continent of the earth to preach the gospel. People of many different backgrounds, ages, cultures and denominations participate in TWCCs vast spectrum of...

Mark Harwood Photography

Creative documentary photography undertaken on behalf of humanitarian and environmental agencies and charities. Mark is a multi award winning professional photographer with several decades of experience who is now donating his services to good causes worldwide. Also able to write creatively.

Incaest International

Incaest International aims to combat exclusion by cultivating inclusion… consequently sustainably improving the living conditions and autonomy of persons with disabilities via access to essential services, social insertion and social inclusion."  The organization recently got registered under...

Jawakhali Jubo Sangha(JJS)

Jawakhali Jubo Sangha(JJS) is a Youth led non-profit organization registered with the Directorate of Youth Development bearing with the registration number DYD/Sat/Reg: 010, dated on 14.08.2018. The organization emerged in 2014 at Jawakhali village of Shyamnagar Upazilla in Satkhira District of...

International American Relief Society IARS

The international American Relief society IARS is a humanitarian organization specialized in tackling poverty worldwide. IARS saves the lives of underpriviledged people and their families and works with them to preserve and restore their livelihoods with dignity. In situations of conflict,...

Millennium Child Support Group

Millennium Child Support Group (MCSG) is a humanitarian relief organisation based in Ghana seeking to improve the lives of vulnerable children in the deprived communities with quality education, healthcare, water and sanitation, supplying of medical equipment and ensure child protection, peace and...

Zo Indigenous Forum (ZIF)

Zo Indigenous Forum (ZIF) is a human rights-based indigenous people’s organization founded in 2009 in Mizoram, Northeast India. Its main objective is for the protection of and promotion of human rights, in particular to the social, economic and cultural rights of Zo indigenous peoples. Its...

Marthafoundation orphanage

Marthafoundation is a non profit organization and non government organization that supports and helps the orphans and the helpless children in their community. The foundation has been able to stand now its four years in the service and kids have been at school. The founder now stays together with...

The Hummingfish Foundation

Founded in 2010, The Hummingfish Foundation (THF) is a Hong Kong based non-profit charity organization, also a registered environmental protection charity in Timor-Leste. The Foundation's mission is to protect the earth’s unspoiled natural environment through projects that promote harmony between...