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Food security and nutrition

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Mercy Corps International - Kyrgyzstan

Mercy Corps is a not-for-profit international humanitarian agency, involved in emergency relief, sustainable community development and civil society initiatives. Its goal in Kyrgyzstan is to transfer knowledge and expertise, through development and financial services programs, to its clients and...

Hunger Plus, Inc

Hunger Plus, Inc. seeks to reduce suffering from hunger whether the cause is disaster, conflict or natural, through the provision of food and related supplies (e.g. dehydrated goods). With an organisational goal to reduce by half the proportion of people who suffer from hunger (between 1990 and...

World Vision of Macau Association

World Vision of Macau Association is a Christian humanitarian organization working to create lasting change in the lives of children, families and communities living in poverty. It was established to further mobilize the people of Macau to care for the needy and to donate in support of World...

Gifts of Love

Gifts of Love is a non-profit and non-denominational charitable organisation based in Avon, Connecticut. The organisation provides temporary assistance in the form of food, clothing, household items, and furniture to families experiencing financial crisis. Gifts of Love is committed to helping...

Allen Foundation Inc.

Allen Foundation Inc. provides grants to projects that primarily benefit programs for human nutrition in the areas of health, education, training, and research.

Caritas Internationalis - Nepal

Caritas Nepal is a member of Caritas Internationalis, the social development arm of the Roman Catholic Church. It works in solidarity with marginalized communities in Nepal to empower them to overcome poverty, to realize basic human rights and social justice, and to provide relief to those...

Promotion and Human Development Centre

The Promotion and Human Development Centre is a Togolese NGO focused on fighting HIV/AIDS and poverty through medical support and education as well as by providing humanitarian and economic support to clients of the Centre. The organisation places an emphasis on assisting victims of extreme poverty...

Action Aid - Brazil

Action Aid is an international NGO founded in the UK in 1972 to promote quality education and local services in the developing world. Today, the organisation works in 50 countries world-wide. Action Aid has been working in community development with local partners in Brazil since 1999. Current...

InterHealth Worldwide

InterHealth Worldwide is a medical charity providing specialist health services primarily for the aid, development, mission and NGO sectors. Specialist areas include travel health services, medical screenings, psychological health services, occupational health and work-life balance reviews.

Aid Convoy

Aid Convoy is a voluntary charitable organisation which transports humanitarian aid to Eastern Europe and engages in community development.

International Children's Centre (ICC)

International Children's Centre (ICC) complements worldwide programmes promoting the physical, mental and emotional well-being of children of all ages in the context of the family and the community. ICC works with concerned governments as well as world organisations, particularly the World Health...

Lily Foundation for the Congo

The Lily Foundation For The Congo is a non-profit non governmental organization with the objective of relieving need, hardship, illness and distress amongst widows and orphans, providing education for children and advancing the Christian faith in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). We do this...

Bungoma Family Helper Project

Bungoma Family Helper Project (Kenya) is a NGO concerned with poverty alleviation. The poverty reduction project is geared especially towards enhancing the availability of nutritious food to orphans by training and providing small loans to women who look after them. Women are trained in micro...


Nutre-Hogar is a Panamanian NGO whose prime objective is to help prevent child malnutrition countrywide. The organisation works with severely malnourished children from marginal areas, providing them with adequate nutrition and medical care enabling them to recover and lead a normal life within...

Esperança Inc.

Since 1970, Esperança has been bringing hope, providing health and transforming communities for the world’s poor. Through their volunteer surgical program, clean water and sanitation, home building, food security and nutrition, disease prevention, education and treatment programs, they have helped...

Adventist Development and Relief Agency International (ADRA) - Italy

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International is an independent humanitarian agency established in 1984 for the specific purposes of individual and community development and disaster relief. ADRA helps people in need, particularly women, children, and the elderly. ADRA serves...

Compassion International Peru

Compassion International is a Christian child advocacy ministry working for children worldwide. The organisation works with partner churches in 24 countries in projects aimed at releasing children from poverty through provision of food, shelter, education and health care. Projects are tailored to...

Compassion International Colombia

Compassion International is a Christian child advocacy ministry working for children worldwide. The organisation works with partner churches in 24 countries in projects aimed at releasing children from poverty through provision of food, shelter, education and health care. Projects are tailored to...

Compassion International Brazil

Compassion International is a Christian child advocacy ministry working for children worldwide. The organisation works with partner churches in 24 countries in projects aimed at releasing children from poverty through provision of food, shelter, education and health care. Projects are tailored to...

Extreme Response International Ecuador

Extreme Response is a global NGO dedicated to providing relief and support to people living in extreme and often life-threatening conditions. The organisation currently works in eight developing countries, providing food, shelter, education and skills training in addition to emergency relief. In...