Dreamland Development Foundation
Unverified non-profit organisation
Founded in 2014, our non-profit organization is dedicated to transforming the lives of women and youth in Myanmar’s Chin State and the Kalay-Kabaw region of Sagaing Division.
These regions are among the most underdeveloped in the country, with Chin State being the poorest and least resourced. We are committed to empowering marginalized communities by providing education, vocational training, and access to essential skills for sustainable development.
Year established
Organisation annual cash turnover (in US$ equivalent)
Less than 500,000
Participant in relevant networks
Dreamland Development Foundation is a member of several local and international networks that support humanitarian aid, rural development, and education initiatives. We collaborate with local churches and Christian organizations to provide community-based assistance. Additionally, we have partnered with humanitarian organizations such as Tharthi Myay Foundation, ActionAid Myanmar, and Barnabas Fund UK for past relief projects. We also engage with local education and rural development networks in Myanmar to ensure best practices in our work.
Further information
About this organisation
Partnership types
Doing business with the poor; Project funding
Regions / countries / territories
Asia: Myanmar
Global issues
Children, youth and family welfare; Gender issues