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Gender issues

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Accord Interagency Gifts in Kind Standards

Accord Gifts in Kind Standards govern US-based member organisations' Gifts in Kind (GIK) activity.

The Olive Orissa

The Olive Orissa is an Indian NGO that works on issues relating to the health and education of tribal children, rural girls and women. The organisation also runs a rural mobile health care project for families.

Focus On Northern Uganda Development Initiative (FONUDI-Uganda)

Focus on Northern Uganda Development Initiative (FONUDI-Uganda) is an NGO that works to facilitate the recovery and development of Northern Uganda from the recent war. The organisation works on issues related to access to justice, and on the development of peace and equality. FONUDI promotes...

Pratibha Mahila Evm Bal Vikas Samiti

Pratibha Mahila Evm Bal Vikas Samiti is an Indian NGO that works on issues related to women's empowerment, community motivation and awareness, education, health, the environment, child rights, tribal development and vocational training.

The International Women's Achievement Alliance

The International Women’s Achievement Alliance is a global membership network of women that aims to inspire, empower, and transform the lives of women.

Maya Traditions Foundation

Maya Traditions Foundation is a Guatamalan NGO dedicated to facilitating access to national and international markets for 180 Maya backstrap weaver artisans and their families in the highlands of Guatemala. The Foundation follows a fair trade model continually seeking to build capacity in regard...

SUKH Human Development Welfare Foundation (SHDWF)

SUKH Human Development Welfare Foundation (SHDWF) is an NGO in Pakistan. The organisation conducts training in sewing and tailoring, computers and other business skills for women. SHDWF also runs a micro-finance scheme for women, and runs awareness training sessions for women and children. ...

South Vihar Welfare Society for Tribal

South Vihar Welfare Society for Tribal is an Indian NGO that works among vulnerable communities on combating human trafficking, livelihoods, health and nutrition, education and the rehabilitation of victims. Target groups are children (0-12), adolescents (12 -18) and tribal women living in...

SCORE ( Society for Community Organization and Rural Education)

Society for Community Organization and Rural Education (SCORE) is an Indian NGO that works on the welfare and socio-economic upliftment of marginalised communities. The organisation works primarily on education and health. Its target groups are women and children. Also included are small farmers...

Premlata Manju Tiwari Purv Madhyamik Vidhalay Samiti

The Premlata Manju Tiwari Purv Madhyamik Vidhalay Samiti is an Indian NGO that works on education, health, human rights, women's empowerment, H.I.V testing, and vocational training.

Save the Poor

Save the Poor isd a Tanzanian NGO that works in a holistic way on issues related to poverty. Among the issues the organisation has tackled or will tackle in the future are health, education, food security and entrepreneurship training.

Aids for Women, Adolescents and Children International Organisation

Aids for Women, Adolescents and Children International Organisation (AWACIO)is a Nigerian NGO that aims to improve the total well being of women, adolescents and children by engaging in activities and events that will enhance their welfare and livelihoods. AWACIO sponsors educational and training...

Society for Participatory Integrated Development

The Society for Participatory Integrated Development is an Indian NGO that works on issues related to health, education and other basic needs such as water and sanitation. Current projects include a gender resource centre, an open shelter for...

Banda Ahenkro Widows Association

The Banda Ahenkro Widows Association (BAWA) is an NGO in Ghana that aims to support widows in the Banda Traditional Area helping them to escape poverty.

Light of Hope Schools Centre

The Light of Hope Schools Centre is a an NGO in Kenya that assists more than 250 children from poor families by providing them with education, clothes and food.

Global Focus Projects

Global Focus Projects (GFP) is an American NGO founded by a group of Somali America citizens to respond to numerous humanitarian challenges facing communities in America, Kenya, Somalia and other countries in Africa. In the US GFP works on resettlement issues for refugees and also provides...

Parviflora Research Organisation

The Parviflora Research Organisation is an Indian research organisation working in the field of science and technology, and engaged in projects seeking to empower young people and women.

Balochistan Educational Awareness Management Society (BEAMS)

The Balochistan Educational Awareness Management Society (BEAMS) is an NGO in Pakistan. The Society works on issues related to education, health, water and sanitation, and the rights of women and children.

Association for Women's Promotion and Endogenous Development

The Association for Women's Promotion and Endogenous Development (A.W.P.E.D) is an association Congolese women which supports the promotion and the protection of woman, young girls and children in the South Kivu province, Democratic Republic of Congo. The Association aims to help women and...

Our Needs Foundation

Our Needs Foundation (ONF) is a Ghanaian NGO that works for the development of youth, women and children.