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Gender issues

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Rural Development Organisation

The Rural Development Organisation is an Indian NGO that works for the empowerment of the poorest. The organization is led by women, and its main target groups are women. The organisation also works with poor farmers.

Association for Rural Development

The Association for Rural Development (ARD) is an Indian NGO that aims to empower the poor and marginalized to transform society. The organisation works on issues related to health, and on initiatives for women's empowerment.

Mother Trust

Mother Trust is an Indian NGO that cares for the poorest in society and aims to empower them in regard to development and self-reliance through education.

Tapoysa Social Welfare Organisation

Tapoysa Social Welfare Organisation is an Indian NGO that works in six states in India in the field of health, education, cultural and religious development, child and women empowerment, and disaster management.

Vulnerable Orphans and Widows Association

The Vulnerable Orphans and Widows Association is a Zambian NGO that cares for vulnerable children under 18, widows,single mothers and people living with HIV/AIDS.

Indus Consortium for Humanitarian, Environmental and Development Initiatives

The Indus Consortium for Humanitarian, Environmental and Development Initiatives is an alliance of three rights based organizations in Pakistan; Laar Humanitarian Development Programme (LHDP), HELP Foundation and Doaba Foundation. The Consortium acts as a platform for the people living in the area...

CARD Trust

CARD Trust is an Indian NGO that works for the welfare and development of the rural poor with particular emphasis on children and women. CARD supports people who are in need of food, education, health care, shelter and clothing, emotional and moral support. CARD's programme supports more than...

Juba Light Organization

The Juba Light Organization is a Somalian NGO that works with and advocates for the needy. The organisation works on issues related to agriculture and social services, including education, health, and water and sanitation. The Foundation focuses on gender equality, and advocates for peaceful...

Women of Zion Foundation

The Women of Zion Foundation is a Ghanaian NGO involved in capacity building, women's empowerment and skill training for women. The organisation also undertakes health education campaigns.

Jubba Environmental and Develoment Action(JEDA)

Jubba Environmental and Development Action [JEDA] is a Kenyan NGO that works on environmental conservation, conflict resolution, peacemaking, peace education programmes and training. The organisation aims to conserve natural resources and improve hygiene and sanitation. JEDA also provides ...

Ajit Foundation

Ajit Foundation is a charitable organization in India that focuses on dalits, women and other marginalised people. The organisation runs a number of programmes to improve the lives of its target groups through education and health. An orphanage caters for children of HIV/AIDS victims, and other...

People in Need Ministries

Gideon Gospel Ministries is a faith-based NGO in India that helps street and orphan children, widows and other elderly women. In addition to its faith-based activities, the organisation works in rural villages and with tribal people on literacy and self-sufficiency. Projects include vocational...

Community Concerns Uganda (CCUg)

Community Concerns Uganda (CCUg) is a Ugandan NGO that works to address the needs and aspirations of the underprivileged. The organisation currently runs projects focusing on income generating activities for women, and on health, including work on sexual and reproductive health for adolescents....

Coalition Against Women Abuse

The Coalition Against Women Abuse (CAWA) is a Ugandan NGO. The organisation works for the protection of women, for their human rights, and for the improvement of their social and economic conditions.

Reading Hamlets

Reading Hamlets is an American NGO dedicated to ending the cycle of poverty in Nigeria through literacy, by providing books to children in rural areas with a special emphasis on girls.

Building Equality

Building Equality is a Tanzanian NGO that works on issues related to women's empowerment in areas such as health, culture and technology. The organisation engages in advocacy and lobbying. Its main activities include the provision of educational support for girls, the provision of a revolving ...

The Vocational Training Centre, Jinja

The Vocational Training Centre, Jinja, is a community-based training centre in Lubani Village, Butagaya Sub-County, Uganda. The Centre provides vocational training for school drop outs whose parents cannot afford to pay fees, or who have died of HIV/AIDS.

China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA)

The China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA) is a non-profit organisation, engaged in managing domestic and overseas donated funds and materials. Programs include water and livestock, terracing, rebuilding houses, rural education, rural technology training, women's and children's health and...

Solomon Shepherd Foundation (SSF)

Solomon Shepherd Foundation (SSF) is a Nigerian NGO that works to promote the quality of life of women, young people, children and the elderly in rural areas. The Foundation provides a centre where information on sustainable development can be found and supports the Millenium Development Goals. ...

Divya Jyoti Mahila Vikash

Divya Jyoti Mahila Vikash (DJMV) is an Indian NGO working towards women's empowerment, education and livelihood promotion. DJMV aspires to improve the living conditions of the poor and marginalized. Founded in 2000, the organisation work among backward communities in the interior in one of the...