Shelter, housing, land management and construction
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Ladder Ministries Uganda

Ladder Ministries Uganda (LMU) is a Christian faith based founded Non – Governmental Organisation established in 2011 and incorporated by the National Bureau for Non – Governmental Organisations of Uganda in the year 2013 with registration number 3166 with the mandate of not only carrying out its...

UPHOLD is registered non profit organisation in India working to improve the quality of life among under privileged, tribes, marginalised groups of people living with Leprosy and HIV/AIDS and vulnerable orphan Children.
North East African Community Health Initiatives

North East African Community Health Initiative (NEACHI Uganda) is a registered indigenous not-for-profit organization established in July 2020. The organization plays a major role in complimenting government development programs at national and local levels especially assisting rural poor...
Millennium Hope International (MHI) Inc.

Millennium Hope International (M.H.I) Inc is an indigenous multi functional organization aims to give support to the disadvantaged/underprivileged. MHI activities include:social justice, health care,hygiene supplies, medical equipment, mission trip, academic, conferences,fundraising,and economic...
Beellahy Foundation

Beellahy Foundation is a care-giving, life sustaining foundation, created to rewrite the unsavoury narratives of the indigents in our society. It is a social institution conceptualized with a clear intention to place a higher premium on the value of human dignity, life and existence through...
Lucinda's Beautiful Heritage Charity Foundation

«LBH Charity Foundation» is an independent, not for profit making, non-political, charitable associative organization and foundation, created in 2020 to help improve the quality of life for victims of societal ills such as rape, sexual harassment, sexism, domestic abuse, basic human right violation...
Touch me foundation For the less previleged

ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE TOUCHME FOUNDATION FOR THE LESS PRIVILEGED Head Office Address: Touch me foundationforthelessprivileged plot 256 jajanwachukwuStreet, wuye, Abuja , Fct. Mobile Phone:- +234 814 384 9396 , 07018199937 WhatsApp :- 08143849396 Email:...
Refugee Together For Social Transformation"
It is a pleasure to meet online with you, my names are Kapalakasa Zelo Chiley. I am a Refugee from DR Congo living in Uganda. I am a Co-Founder of an organization called "Refugee Together For Social Transformation", which offers skills training of refugee women and girls with physical...
Humanitarian Enhancement Aid for Resilient Transformation-HEART

Humanitarian Enhancement Aid for Resilient Transformation-HEART, or HEART Society for short, is an organization registered with the Department of Local Government, known as a Bangladeshi non-political, local, and national level voluntary, social welfare and non-profit development organization....
Fondation Sens Universel et Damabiah

The DAMABIAH Foundation is a non-profit humanitarian organization that helps people in need in Haiti, regardless of their beliefs. For the past 20 years, the foundation has led the fight against poverty and hunger in Haiti by partnering with organizations abroad to lift children out of spiritual,...
Lango Action for Community transformation Agency

Lango Action for Community Transformation Agency is a committed community based and non-profit making organization that works with the community to improve the lives of vulnerable children and youth through venturing on education and health in Lango sub-region, Northern Uganda.
Obi Heart Foundation

It is the mission of the Obi “Heart” Foundation to bridge the widening and deepening gap of inadequate medical equipment, socio-economic inequalities for disadvantaged communities along the lines of gender, ethnicity, sexuality, class and other social divisions in society, by providing : ...
Holy Mission Educational Trust

Holy Mission (Organization for Social Concern and Operation), based in Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal is a non-profit organization working towards women empowerment, education, and livelihood promotion. The organization aspires to improve the living conditions of the poor and marginalized by...
Tying Vines, Inc.

Tying Vines is a nonprofit established to see at-risk communities across the world transformed with the love of Christ. Our mission is to connect local heroes to a global network of supporters. Our partners are engaged in Christian ministry, humanitarian aid, economic development, and fighting...
Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation

Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation operates as a non-governmental non-profit organization, serving less fortunate people across the world. We are people from different backgrounds, nationalities, and religions from all over the world working together to serve humanity. Pro bono support from...
Phoenix Resource Centre (Northampton) Limited

We are a UK registered charity with our own registered NGO's in Djibouti and Somaliland in East Africa, and Ghana in West Africa. We also work with partner organisations covering 61 countries in total. Our main strengths lie in product resource volume / capacity handling, setting up, running and...
Mission Evangélique Chrétienne Agape

Mission Evangélique Chrétienne Agape is a mission sending agency, training pastors and sending for evangelism and church planting. The agent focuses also on farming god's Way, business training, job creation, microfinance, health Care, education, vocational training, community health evangelism
ASAR Humanity

ASAR Humanity was founded on November 1 2018, present as a Humanitarian Institution that contributes to solving the biggest Humanity problem, namely POVERTY, With the aim of mobilizing community social care, in order to give birth to a just, prosperous and prosperous social order. Along with the...
Kyarumba Child Development Centre
Kyarumba Child Development Centre is a church founded non governmental organisation that was established in 2004 to combat the stress from community members in Kasese District, Western Uganda as a result of the 1996 civil war that left devastating results. The women and children were the most...
Roma orphans and vulnerable children's care ( Roma Ovc Care )

Roma Ovc Care is a non – profit making Organization which was established in 2015 in Ndola District of Copperbelt Province of the Republic Of Zambia. The project focuses on providing holistic care and support to vulnerable populations especially children and elimination of all forms of child abuse...