Unverified non-profit organisation

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Ashoka’s mission is to develop the profession of social entrepreneurship around the world. It does so through stipends and professional services that allow “Ashoka Fellows” to focus full time on their ideas for leading social change in education and youth development, health care, environment, human rights, access to technology and economic development.
Year established
Organisation annual cash turnover (in US$ equivalent)
1 million - 100 million
Participant in relevant networks
Ashoka’s global strategic partners are McKinsey & Company, Hill & Knowlton and Latham and Watkins. Ashoka also has relationships with the International Senior Lawyers Project (ILSP) and Ernst & Young.
Further information
About this organisation
Partnership types
Advocacy of global issues; Standards and guidelines development; Provision of services...
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- Advocacy of global issues
- Standards and guidelines development
- Provision of services / personnel
Regions / countries / territories
Americas: United States
Global issues
Community development; Education and training; Job creation and enterprise development;...
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- Community development
- Education and training
- Job creation and enterprise development
- Human rights
Business sectors
Accounting and management services; Advocacy and legal services; Media and PR