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Human rights

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United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - Slovakia

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)is an international aid agency, established in the aftermath of the second world war to provide food, clothing and shelter for children affectedby disease and famine. This mandate was extended indefinitely in 1953, and UNICEF now works in 191 countries...


Landesa is an international nonprofit organization working to secure land rights for the world's poorest people, those 3.4 billion chiefly rural people who live on less than $2 a day. The organization’s attorneys have helped tackle the land problem with great effect, using law and policy to confer...

ONE Campaign

The ONE Campaign is an international, nonpartisan, non-profit organization which aims to increase government funding for and effectiveness of international aid programs. ONE is an organization which attempts to mobilize supporters around its issues and organize them into a lobbying force, with the...

Amnesty International - Philippines

Amnesty International (AI) is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognised human rights. AI-Philippines' focuses on campaigns in the country and around the region on issues that include the death penalty, juvenile justice, women's rights, child soldiers, extra-judicial...

Centre Europe - Tiers Monde (CETIM)

Centre Europe - Tiers Monde (CETIM)(European Third World Centre) is a Swiss NGO whose primary concern is the search for alternatives capable of ensuring the survival and development of countries of the south by encouraging critical debate between institutions in the north and the south. CETIM's...

Calvary Ministries (CAPRO)

Calvary Ministries (CAPRO) is a non-denominational organisation which performs missionary work as well as humanitarian aid projects. CAPRO targets unreached ethnic groups within a country for effective evangelism, discipleship and church planting. In countries where there is a strong Christian...

Children's Home Society & Family Services (CHSFS)

Children’s Home Society & Family Services is not-for-profit organization, knowing that a child in a safe, nurturing home is a child who thrives. They work to give every child security, opportunity and a loving family. Their core service areas are: Early Childhood Care & Education,...

Lutheran World Relief (LWR)

Lutheran World Relief (LWR) is an international nonprofit organization specializing in International Development and Disaster Relief. LWR responds to emergencies worldwide, seeks lasting solutions to rural poverty, and works for peace and justice for all. It works with small-scale farmers to...

United Social Welfare Society

The United Social Welfare Society is an NGO in the Punjab, Pakistan. The Society works for and with marginalised communities, advocating for change and helping to build/strengthen existing social institutions. The Society also aims to provide clean water and sanitation, to work on mother and child...

Peace and Community Development Initiative (PCDI)

The Peace and Community Development Initiative (PCDI) is an NGO based in Kisoro, Uganda. The organisation aims to equip the community with knowledge, skills and resources to establish peace and the maintenance of justice, and to assist in eradicating poverty. PCDI runs programmes in leadership...

International Centre For Environment,Social and Policy Studies (ICESPS)

The International Centre For Environment,Social and Policy Studies (ICESPS) is an NGO based in Kenya established to address environmental, social and sustainable development issues. The Centre is involved in consultancy, training, research and project implementation, and provides detailed...

Global Unification The Gambia

Global Unification The Gambia (GU) is a chapter of Global Unification International (GUI) in Australia. The organisation is a youth-led research and development NGO at the University of the Gambia. In partnership with relevant institutions, the organisation aims to provide education and...

Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)

The Pan American Health Organisation is the regional office of the World Health Organisation (WHO) for the Americas. PAHO recognizes that health is a necessary pre-condition for securing development. Health facilitates economic growth, reduces poverty, advances education, preserves the...

The MDG Achievement Fund

The MDG Achievement Fund is an international cooperation mechanism whose aim is to accelerate progress on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) worldwide. It supports national governments, local authorities and citizen organizations in their efforts to tackle poverty and inequality. The Fund...

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is an international development agency that promotes the right of every woman, man and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity. UNFPA supports countries in using population data for policies and programmes to reduce poverty and to ensure that...

National Civil Society Consortium (CONGAD)

CONGAD is a consortium of 178 national NGOs, both foreign and international. The consortium headquartered in Senegal aims to develop dialogue and exchanges between NGOs, to promote international solidarity between NGOs and grassroots organisations, defend the interests of NGOs and mobilize around...

Buwama Community Development Organisation (BUCODEO)

The Buwama Community Development Organisation (BUCODEO) is a Ugandan NGO engaged in fostering community development by working in a number of areas including food security, advocating civil and social rights, education for marginalized children, HIV/AIDS and environmental conservation. ...

Oxfam GB - Yemen

Oxfam is a development and relief agency that helps people worldwide in the struggle against poverty by finding lasting solutions to poverty, suffering and injustice. In Yemen, Oxfam focuses on women's rights, healthcare, education, disaster preparedness and helping people have a say on issues that...

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - Algeria

UNICEF is an international aid agency which prioritizes on children's health, education, equality and protection, with HIV/AIDS, refugees, infant mortality and girls' education. Under the cooperation program UNICEF-Algeria, survival and child development, quality education, child protection,...

Fondation des Femmes pour l'Action au Développement

Fondation des Femmes pour l'Action au Développement is a network of 4 women-based CBOs working on gender issues, the environment, health and community development in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The organisation works with partners on human rights and solidarity.