Human rights
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South Asian Capacity Development Foundation

South Asian Capacity Development Foundation is a not for profit entity focused to improve lives of marginalized communities, particularly women, religious minorities and youth. The Foundation's scope of operation includes: providing training to young people of Pakistan in political and democratic...
Instituto para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Económico y Social de Huancavelica
The INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH AND ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF HUANCAVELICA INIDES was born to support the poorest population of the country, on September 10, 1992. For more than 25 years, this NGO has accumulated great experience and important achievements in favor of the target population,...
Institute of Sustainable Development

Institute of Sustainable Development Organization was formed with concerned young professionals and social entrepreneurs to combat effects of global warming, Persistent Organic Pollutants, Environmental Pollution and climate change. The organization promotes food security, anti-hunger and...
Divine Mercy Tooro Empowering Youth and Orphans

This organization aims to be an empowered caring and self supporting community that responds to the needs of most vulnerable youth, orphans and children in Uganda. Its mission is to improve the quality of life of the most vulnerable youth, orphans and children through increased access to health,...
Missing Link Uganda

Missing Link Uganda (ML-Uganda) is a local NGO that aims to demonstrate that HIV positive people can be a force for development. ML-Uganda supports community-based approaches that are turning the tide of HIV/AIDS in Uganda. The organisation also provides care to vulnerable men and women who...
Defum Human Rights Association (DHRA)

The Defum Human Rights Association (DHRA ) is an independent non-governmental, nonpolitical and non profit making organization, which is registered under the Trustees incorporation Act of Malawi. DHRA was established on 13th June 2007 and get registered as an NGO on 08th February 2013. Its...
Footprints A2R Vulnerable Foundation

Footprints A2R Vulnerable Foundation is an non-profit organization that seeks to advocate for the rights of vulnerable Persons (Disabled, Women, Youth and Children) in Ghana. It is managed directly by a three member Executive Board and 8 Management Board Members. Footprints A2R Vulnerable...
People Empowering People International

People Empowering People(PEP) is an indigenous Non Governmental Organisation(NGO) Not-for-Profit operating in Arua District, the sub-counties of Rigbo, Rhinocamp, Ogoko and Pawor. These subcounties are in Lower Madi Constituency with higher poverty indices in the District. Yet the biggest natural...
Sujit educare & infotech society

The society provides education and training to those who have not received minimum level of education and training due to their particular difficulties. Those students could sit for NIOS or IGNOU. The society also provides training socio and economic development, women's development, minorities...
Quaker United Nations Office

QUNO staff work with people in the UN, multilateral organisations, government delegations, and non-governmental organisations, to achieve changes in international standards and practice. Quakers are known for speaking out against injustice and war - issues that are incompatible with our vision of a...
World Humanitarian Service Foundation

MISSION STATEMENT: To provide quality education, train, develops and build sound institutional framework in communities through mobilization of resources to meet target objectives. VISION To produce morally upright, sound and responsible people capable of contributing their quota to the...
Hope for Orphans and Rural Development (HORD)

Hope Orphans and Rural Development (HORD) is a non-political, non- economic Community-Based Organization (CBO) registered with the District Community Development Department of Kamuli District in Uganda. Since its inception, HORD has scaled up its support especially to the vulnerable women,...
Research Institute for Development,Communication and School Partnership (RIDCSP)
The Research Institute for Development, Communication and School Partnership (RIDCSP) is an NGO in Cameroon that aims to meet the needs of local communities through education and research. It is a development oriented organisation with a focus on the promotion of education, research, communication...
Motherchak Naboday Kuishalay Sangha

Motherchak Naboday Kuishalay Sangha is an Indian NGO that works for marginalised communities, focusing on Dalits, women, young people and people with disabilities. The organisation offers vocational training, and links to credit for beneficiaries to enable them to start their own enterprises. In...
Programme Intégré pour le Développement du Peuple Pygmée au Kivu « PIDP-SHIRIKA LA BAMBUTI » / Integrated Programme for the Pygmy People Development in Kivu

PIDP KIVU is an organisation defending the rights of the pygmies peoples in Republic Democratic of the Congo. It has been created by and for the pygmies to deal with their socioeconomic, marginalised and human rights issues they face in Kivu. The PIDP Kivu is the first and oldest organization of...
Archway Inc.

Archway Inc. is an American NGO that works exclusively with the internally stateless children and young adults who live in the streets of Bucharest. The organisation has run a mobile soup kitchen, a clothing distribution programme, outreach programmes, and a long-term shelter and is looking to...
Buddu Social Development Association (BUSODA)
Buddu Social Development Association (BUSODA)is a registered NGOworking with orphans and vulnerable children and women in poor rural communities of Masaka in southern Uganda. BUSODA works with its partners on HIV/AIDS information and prevention programmes, conducts advocacy activities on behalf...
Joshua International Foundation

Joshua International Foundation is established by Joshua International Ministries since 2000. Joshua International Ministries has established this foundation of evangelism and discipleship for the children of Sierra Leone. They currently serve over 1,000 children in six communities through their...
Success Trust

The Success Trust is an Indian NGO that works on issues related to education and human rights.
National Endowment for Democracy

NED is a private, non-profit organisation created in 1983 to strengthen democratic institutions around the world through non-governmental efforts. NED provides grants for NGOs in Central and Eastern Europe, and the NIS. They are focusing on goal of democratic consolidation, authoritarian countries...