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Human rights

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Defence for Children (DCI) International

Defence for Children (DCI) International is an independent NGO with aim to ensure ongoing practical and concerted international action directed towards promoting and protecting children's rights. The organisation has consultative status with UNESCO, ECOSOC, UNICEF and the Council of Europe, and...


BRAC, formerly known as Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee, was established as a relief and rehabilitation organisation in 1972 by Mr. Fazle Hasan Abed. Over the years BRAC has gradually evolved into a large and multifaceted development organisation with the twin objectives of the alleviation...

Tides Canada

Founded in 2000, Tides Canada is the country’s largest public foundation dedicated to the environment and social justice. It supports, convenes and directly funds hundreds of initiatives annually, from neighbourhood-scale social programs to national conservation efforts. The organization’s...

Centre for Peace and Humanity

The Centre for Peace snd Humanity is an NGO operating in Somalia. The organisation trains and educates prisoners, and advocates for their rights. The Centre aims to ensure that prisoners are properly fed, get medical treatment and be treated humanely. They also want to ensure that prisoners...

Organisation for Defending Victims of Violence

The ODVV's goals are to promote a non-violence culture and to defend and support victims of violence. The organisation is active in Iran and in Middle-east region. It publishes a monthly bulletin entitled: Defenders' Newsletter which covers information about human rights violations and articles on...

Hope for Children and Development Kenya

Hope for Children and Development is a community-based organization in Kenya that aims to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS, to empower women economically and to advocate for the right of vulnerable groups in the community.

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

Through their Civil Society Program, the Foundation provides grants to non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and South Africa. Through four programmes areas -- Central/Eastern Europe and Russia, South Africa, United States and Global -- they fund efforts to...

World Vision - Malaysia

World Vision is a Christian relief and development organisation working for the well being of all people, especially children. Through emergency relief, education, health care, economic development and through raising public awareness they seek to promote the situation of the needy and provide for...

Australian Lutheran World Service

Australian Lutheran World Service is the overseas aid and resettlement agency of the Lutheran Church of Australia. It operates under a constitution approved by the General Synod of the LCA, and is consistent with the objects of the LCA Constitution. Their mission is to reach out in love and for...

Yayasan Pondok Kasih (House of Love Foundation)

Yayasan Pondok Kasih aims to reduce poverty in Indonesia. It helps the poor by providing practical assistance such as food, shelter, it also addresses the roots of the problems and equips the poor with skills. Yayasan Pondok Kasih provides religious advice and services. They exist to lift...

Iranian Red Crescent

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is the world's largest humanitarian organisation, providing assistance without discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. The Federation's mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable...

Bapuji Rural Enlightenment and Development Society (BREDS)

Bapuji Rural Enlightenment and Development Society works to help dalits and tribal communities. Their mission is to capacitate the communities to become better informed and enlightened of their rights and choices in order to control the environment, resources, and levels of power by...

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Laos

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has worked in Laos since 1957 and currently the primary objective is to eradicate poverty. Focus areas for Laos include democratic governance, poverty reduction, energy and the environment, the Lao National Unexploded Ordnance Programme (UXO),...

The Lebanese Transparency Association (LTA)

The Lebanese Transparency Association (LTA) is a Lebanese NGO aiming at curbing corruption in its various forms in different sectors of society and state. Working with Transparency International, LTA also aims at promoting the principles of transparency and accountability, establishing the rule of...


Resolve is a NGO whose objective is peace by taking the comprehensive knowledge base that had been developed, since its beginning as Uganda Conflict Action Network, and arm it with targeted nationwide awareness and advocacy campaigns. Resolve works with activists, policy experts, and civil society...

International Council on Social Welfare

The International Council on Social Welfare (ICSW), established in 1928, is a non-governmental organisation which undertakes research, publishes reports, provides training and gives advice and information for nonprofits. ICSW is active in various fields within social development, social welfare and...

NGO Forum on Cambodia

The NGO Forum is made up of local and international non-governmental organizations grounded in their experience of humanitarian and development assistance to Cambodia. The NGO Forum exists for information sharing, debate and advocacy on priority issues affecting Cambodia’s development, with an...

Human Development Promotion Group (HDPG)

Human Development Promotion Group (HDPG) is a welfare and socio-economic development organisation. The organisation works to create an ideal society based on full respect for human rights in which all men and women especially those living in poverty may exercise their rights and utilize their...

Nuestra Casa Corporation

Nuestra Casa Corporation is a shelter for the homeless, supporting and encouraging their clients on their way back into society. The organization provides affordable food and shelter for the homeless in Santiago and organizes activities to reintegrate them. These persons generate 51% of the home's...

Solidarity Youth Voluntary Organisation (SOYVO)

Solidarity Youth Voluntary Organisation (SOYVO) caters to the needs of Somaliland youth by promoting positive behavior change amongst the youth through advocacy empowerment, democracy awareness and citizenship support programmes, mobilisation for the eradication of HIV/AIDS, and human rights...