African PRIDE Centre
Unverified non-profit organisation
African PRIDE Centre (APC) helps to educate children who live in poverty. Starting from Early Childhood Education (ECD) through to secondary education that is the hallmark of basic education, poverty remains a significant barrier to access and quality. APC helps to secure the right to access good quality education for children living in poverty, while supporting their parents/guardians and elder siblings to start/engage in income generation, including through alternative occupations so that, collectively, the economic and social environment for the family is transformed such that they are able to support the children’s education going forward. APC achieves this by actively pursuing its mission, “To kindle and strengthen innovation and implementation of robust solutions to hunger, poverty, disease, and to foster environmental stewardship in African communities.”
http://http//www.africanpridecentre.orgYear established
2007Organisation annual cash turnover (in US$ equivalent)
Less than 500,000Participant in relevant networks
Kenya Alliance for the Advancement of Children Rights (KAACR); Kenya Renewable Energy Association (KEREA)Further information
About this organisation
Partnership types
Advocacy of global issues; Doing business with the poor; Standards and all (6)Regions / countries / territories
Africa: KenyaGlobal issues
Agriculture, aquaculture and forestry; Anti-corruption, illicit drugs and all (25)Goods categories
Agriculture, aquaculture & forestry; Apparel & fashion; Arts, crafts & all (22)Business sectors
Accounting and management services; Advocacy and legal services; Agriculture all (19)You might also be interested in:
Global issues
- Agriculture, aquaculture and forestry (1085)
- Anti-corruption, illicit drugs and law enforcement (215)
- Arts and culture (388)
- Children, youth and family welfare (3403)
- Community development (3817)
- Disability issues (854)
- Disasters and humanitarian affairs (1518)
- Education and training (4227)
- Job creation and enterprise development (1324)
- Environment and climate change (1338)
- Financial accessibility and management (725)
- Food security and nutrition (1925)
- Gender issues (1665)
- Shelter, housing, land management and construction (671)
- Human rights (1416)
- Information and communications technologies (660)
- HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, health and medical (2798)
- Migration and population (264)
- Peace and security (365)
- Refugees and internally displaced persons (341)
- Labour conditions (258)
- Tourism, travel, leisure and sports (210)
- Trade and development (273)
- Transportation and logistics (324)
- Water and related ecosystems (968)