Fountain Of Hope
Unverified non-profit organisation
Fountain of Hope organisation was formed in 2011 but came into legal existence in 2014. It was established by a team of four people who had different skills, knowledge and capacity in general in order to reduce the challenges faced by rural small scale famers in Malawi who makes over 80% of the country’s population. Thus, the team believes that if these small scale farmers are helped in solving their challenges then it would mean that 80% population of Malawi is free from challenges.
Currently, Fountain of Hope(FOHOP), has recruited reputable, capacitated and committed people in joining hands to fight against the challenges faced by the majority population in thematic areas of food security and nutrition, climate change, water sanitation and Hygiene, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, child care, girls education, youth empowerment, care for the elderly, women empowerment, environmental conservation, education infrastructures just to mention a few.
The programs which the organization has been involved in are as follows:
Food security and Nutrition and climate change project: Fountain of Hope (FOHOP) has carried out food security and nutrition projects in Karonga district in the Northern region of Malawi where it was targeting 8000 small scale farmers and people living with HIV and AIDS. The project started in 2011 and finished in 2015.
Orphanage care through Child care centers support: Child care support is still being implemented in Karonga, Dowa and Blantyre.
Promoting Girls education: Fountain of Hope has held campaigns of sending girls to school at all levels that is primary, secondary and tertiary education. In addition it has been providing some school materials to girls such as clothes, shoes, school bags, fabric garments and wrappers in Karonga, Dowa and Blantyre districts. 30000 people were reached with the project services.
Water Sanitation and hygiene: FOHOP has held different activities in this field such as installation of rope and washer pumps for improved clean water supply, community total led sanitation project, community triggering, increasing knowledge of people benefiting from markets facilities on hygiene and sanitation service, training people using public facilities in reduction of diseases arising from poor hygiene practices. The project has reached out to 16000 people in Blantyre and Dowa districts.
HIV and AIDS and TB Project: The organization has provided services of home based care, HIV and AIDS and TB prevention, care and treatment, provision of start up nutrition packs to the affected and training in income generating activities. 3820 people have been benefiting from the program.
Distribution of relief items: Distribution of relief items took place in floods prone districts of Karonga and Chikwawa.
Youth empowerment: There are 3400 active youth in Dowa, karonga and Blantyre districts who are engaged in community developmental work. The organization has trained these youth in different vocational skills of carpentry, welding, barber shopping, brick laying, saloon and tailoring and designing.
Care for the elderly: The organization has reached out to 95 elderly people in Dowa district with training of guardians on care for the elderly as well as distribution of assorted items to the elderly.
In total, 75,245 people have been benefiting from the projects of the organization.
Website established
2011Organisation annual cash turnover (in US$ equivalent)
Less than 500,000Participant in relevant networks
Malawi Scotland Partnership(MASP), Council For Non Governmental Organisations in Malawi (CONGOMA), Civil Society Organisations Nutrition Alliance -Malawi, Blantyre Civil Society Organisations, Moringa Community Practice - MalawiFurther information
- Registration certificate
- abstract on solar energy borehole
- Activities in pictures
- Activities in pictures
- Activities in pictures
- Activities in pictures
- Activities in pictures
About this organisation
Partnership types
Advocacy of global issues; Doing business with the poor; Standards and all (6)Regions / countries / territories
Africa: MalawiGlobal issues
Agriculture, aquaculture and forestry; Arts and culture; Children, youth and all (8)Goods categories
Agriculture, aquaculture & forestry; Apparel & fashion; Arts, crafts & all (16)Business sectors
Advocacy and legal services; Agriculture and livestock; Arts and culture; all (10)Disasters
Sudan; Congo; ZimbabweYou might also be interested in:
Global issues
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- Arts and culture (388)
- Children, youth and family welfare (3403)
- Community development (3817)
- Disability issues (854)
- Disasters and humanitarian affairs (1518)
- Job creation and enterprise development (1324)
- Information and communications technologies (660)