PureTrust Foundation LBG
Unverified non-profit organisation
PureTrust Foundation LBG is an integrated service, advocacy and Community Foundations Development NGO established in Tamale Ghana, on June 2014 by nine local leaders. The vision of this foundation is to promote community action for the cause of equitable inclusive society in Ghana. Its mission is to promote the economic security and social inclusion of the disadvantaged in Ghana through cooperation. Economic empowerment and Social sector developments are its two main programme categories with sub thematic areas. Livelihood Security, Business Development, Financial Inclusion, and Climate Change Adaptation are the thematic areas under the economic empowerment programme. Social sector Programme comprises, Health, Education, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and advocacy on Natural Resource Governance.
The organization uses the cooperative approach to implement its livelihood projects. It has significant experience in social mobilization and community engagements. Shea forms part of the foundation’s Co-operative Enterprises development project currently in force in the North Gonja, Bole, East Mamprusi and Kasena Nankana districts of the northern and Upper East regions of Ghana. Results achieved: 20 Women in Shea Enterprise Co-operatives with 1315 women members formed and trained in quality Shea picking skills. With sponsorship from UNDP Adaptation Fund in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology (MESTI), the organization is developing Quality Shea butter processing Centres in four communities in the Bole district currently. In collaboration with Shea Network Ghana (SNG), the Foundation is implementing a Strategic advocacy Project on Increasing marginalized women rights to access and control of Shea Parklands to guarantee long term sustainable Investments. The project is supported by Star-Ghana with funding from DANIDA, European Union and UKaid.
https://www.puretrustgh.orgYear established
2014Organisation annual cash turnover (in US$ equivalent)
Less than 500,000Participant in relevant networks
Shea Network Ghana (SNG) Global Shea Alliance (GSA) Ghana Coalition of NGOs in Health Ghana Coalition of NGOs in Malaria Control Ghana Coalition of NGOs in Co-operative Development (Ghana-CONCOD) Northern Network for Education Development West Africa Civil Society Institute (WASCI)Further information
About this organisation
Partnership types
Advocacy of global issues; Doing business with the poor; Standards and guidelines...show all (5)Regions / countries / territories
Africa: GhanaGlobal issues
Agriculture, aquaculture and forestry; Arts and culture; Children, youth and family...show all (17)Goods categories
Agriculture, aquaculture & forestry; Computer hardware & software; Educational;...show all (5)Business sectors
Accounting and management services; Advocacy and legal services; Agriculture and...show all (17)You might also be interested in:
Global issues
- Agriculture, aquaculture and forestry (1085)
- Arts and culture (388)
- Children, youth and family welfare (3403)
- Community development (3817)
- Disability issues (854)
- Job creation and enterprise development (1324)
- Energy (247)
- Environment and climate change (1338)
- Financial accessibility and management (725)
- Gender issues (1665)
- Shelter, housing, land management and construction (671)
- Human rights (1416)
- Information and communications technologies (660)
- HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, health and medical (2798)
- Tourism, travel, leisure and sports (210)
- Trade and development (273)
- Water and related ecosystems (968)