Mine action
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Jordan National Red Crescent Society
The Jordan Red Crescent Society (JRC) is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. It is committed to alleviating the suffering of victims and the vulnerable of natural disasters and armed conflicts, and to protect their dignity and rights in a manner that preserves their...
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Switzerland's international cooperation agency within the Department of Foreign Affairs, is responsible for overall coordination of international development activities as well as humanitarian aid. SDC also provides survival aid and supports the...
Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) - Indonesia
The overall aim of Australia's aid (AusAID) programme is to advance Australia's national interest by helping developing countries reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development. AusAid provides policy advice and support to the Minister and Parliamentary Secretary on development policy, and...
Save the Children - United Kingdom
Save the Children UK is a British International voluntary agency working for the rights and welfare of children in the UK and over 120 of the world's least developed countries. Save the Children works to achieve lasting benefits for children within the communities in which they live by influencing...
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Afghanistan
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Afghanistan provides development assistance and helps build the capacity of many national institutions. The UNDP - Afghanistan programme includes state-building and government support, democratization and civil society empowerment, and promotion of...
Dubai International Humanitarian & Re-Development Conference & Exhibition (DIHAD) 1-3 April 2012
DIHAD is a humanitarian aid, disaster management and re-development event that takes place in Dubai every year. DIHAD is recognised as the leading humanitarian event in the region and aims to help facilitate a greater and more efficient relationship between aid agencies, NGO's, suppliers and needy...
Adventist Development and Relief Agency International (ADRA) - Spain
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International is an independent humanitarian agency established in 1984 for the specific purposes of individual and community development and disaster relief. ADRA helps people in need, particularly women, children, and the elderly. ADRA serves...
Association for Aid and Relief - Japan
The Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (AAR Japan) is a non-governmental organisation providing emergency assistance to refugees and survivors of humanitarian crises, assistance to people with disabilities and landmine actions including landmine clearance and support for landmine victims. AAR...
UNDP Indonesia
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Indonesia is committed to reduce poverty through connecting strategic policy initiatives with practical interventions focused on decentralisation, HIV/AIDS, gender equity, and the potential of information and communication technologies. The focus...
Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action (ANAMA)
Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action (ANAMA) established on July 18, 1998 by the Presidential Decree No.854 under the State Commission for Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of war affected territories. Being responsible for planning and coordination, management and monitoring of mine action...
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Senegal
UNDP is one of United Nation organisations that has targets for reducing poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination against women by 2015. On the ground in 166 countries, UNDP uses its global network to help the UN system and its partners to raise awareness,...
Sudan Integrated Mine Action Service (SIMAS)
SIMAS promotes mine awareness amongst the Sudanese community. It assists victims of mines by rehabilitating and integrating them into society. SIMAS advocates for the warring parties to refrain from using mines and promotes human rights in respect to landmines problems. The organisation trains...
lnternational Mine Action Standards
The International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) publishes standards and technical notes for all United Nations mine action operations. IMAS provides documentation for equipment testing&evaluation, guides, management, accreditation, monitoring, risk assessment&surveys, mine&UXO...
Star Social and Human Welfare Organisation
Star Social and Human Welfare Organisation is a social service organisation based in Kumbakonam, registered in 2002. They operate various developmental activities to help the needy people in Kumbakonam. This organisation particularly focuses on educating needy children and those in rural areas.
Sierra Leone: Aftermath of the blood bath
When the wounding is done, and you are left alone and bleeding, where can you turn in a war torn environment?
Electronic Mine Information Network (E-MINE)
Electronic Mine Information Network (E-MINE), operated by the United Nations Mine Action Service, provides information and resources regarding the removal and destruction of mines, mine action education, and victim assistance.
Afghan Technical Consultants
Afghan Technical Consultants (ATC) is a Humanitarian Mine clearance NGO (Non Governmental Organisations) that is one of the implementing partners of the United Nations Mine Action Program for Afghanistan (MAPA) which itself forms part of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of...
McKnight Foundation
The McKnight Foundation is an American organisation that seeks to improve the quality of life through grant-making, coalition building and the encouragement of strategic policy reform. The US grant programme is focused on Minnesota, while the international programme operates in Africa and South...