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Peace and security

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Uganda National Volunteers Link (UNVL)

The Uganda National Volunteers Link (UNVL) is an organization established to promote the spirit of volunteering in Uganda. The organisation works through the use of national volunteers in the following thematic areas: education (concentration on basic skills); health (advocacy and community based...

Alliance of Local Communities in Hardship Areas (ALCHA)

The Alliance of Local Communities in Hardship Areas (ALCHA) is an NGO in Kenya. The Alliance was formed to bring together efforts to empower pastoralist communities in the Moyale and Sololo districts through utilising resources and promoting sustainable development. Areas of intervention include...

La Floraison

La Floraison is an NGO based in Baraka, Democratic Republic of Congo. The organisation aims to defend the social and economic rights of marginalized women, youths and vulnerable children by advocating for the human rights of young people, women and children, raising awareness of the need for...

Salvation Army - Hong Kong

The Salvation Army is a Christian church and charity that shows practical concern and care for the needs of people regardless of race, creed, status, colour, sex or age. Religious organisation dedicated to Christian ideals and encouraging social and economic development in the countries which it...

Carnegie Moscow Center

Carnegie Moscow Center is a US-based, private, non-profit organisation that accommodates foreign and Russian researchers collaborating with Washington staff on a variety of topical areas and policy-relevant projects. The Center has relationships with Russian specialists and scholars, educational...


LEADS is a Sri Lankan NGO that works for marginalised groups throughout the country, seeksing to address the root causes of poverty, through participatory and rights based approaches. LEADS is involved in child protection, relief and rehabilitation, community development and advocacy work. The...

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) - Kuwait

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is an independent organisation whose mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of war and internal violence, and to provide them with assistance. It focuses on the incorporation of international humanitarian law into national...

Hope Alert Network for Development and Local Empowerment (HANDLE)

HANDLE (Hope Alert Network for Development and Local Empowerment) is an NGO that works in Northern Uganda helping victims of war and civil conflict to rebuild their lives. HANDLE programmes provide education, HIV/AIDS care, livelihood enhancement, trauma counselling, micro-credit, and community...

AGIR Ensemble

AGIR Ensemble is an NGO based in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo. The organisation works in development and health. In particular, the organisation focuses on public health, hygiene, water and sanitation, cancer and tobacco control, HIV/AIDS, palliative care and nutrition. AGIR Ensemble also...

Agalean One Komyuniti (A1K) Association INC

The Agalean One Komyuniti (A1K) Association INC is an NGO in Papua New Guinea. The aims of the organisation are to promote community development, to act as a medium for dialogue between the community and all forms of government, CBO, NGO, development partners and other organizations, to promote...

Pastoral Communities Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies.

Pastoral Communities for Peace and Conflict Studies is a newly established NGO in Kenya. The organisation aims to work in education, health, peace and conflict studies, natural resource management, advocacy and governance.

Take Action

Take Action is a Kosovan NGO that was established to advance civil society with particular emphasis on the creation of a democratic environment for all citizens without distinction of nationality, language, race, or religion. Take Action seeks to increase citizen participation locally and more...

In: Stories

Chevron subsidiary partners with local charity to engage impoverished communities in Angola

Search for Common Ground, an organisation dedicated to conflict transformation, has been working in Angola's oil-rich enclave of Cabinda since October 2006. In a private-public partnership co-funded by USAID and Chevron's local oil subsidiary, SFCG has collaborated with nine impoverished fishing...

Pastoral Communities Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies

The Pastoral Communities Center for Peace and Conflict Studies is a new NGO in Kenya. The organization has well trained staff with competence, experience and skill in peace and conflict management, advocacy and governance, health, education, agriculture, natural resource management and community...

KREDO (Kaah Relief and Development Organisation)

KREDO (Kaah Relief and Development Organsation) is a Somalian NGO operating in the Gedo region. Its top priority is to create an environment that is conducive to sustainable development by helping communities to secure peace, sustainable development and self-reliance. KREDO aims to facilitate...

Daima Initiatives for Peace and Development

Daima Initiative for Peace and Development (Dipad) is a Kenyan NGO that works to empower communities through training, research and leadership development. Dipad's main areas of action are capacity building, training, women and youth empowerment, advocacy and practical research on the role of...

Caritas Makeni

Caritas Makeni is the relief and development agency of the Diocese of Makeni in Sierra Leone’s northern province. Caritas Makeni supports the efforts of disadvantaged and less privileged people in Sierra Leone to promote their own development, irrespective of creed, tribe, gender or race. The...

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) - Switzerland

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is the world's largest humanitarian organisation, providing assistance without discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. The Federation's mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable...

International Crisis Group (ICG)

The International Crisis Group (ICG) is an independent NGO working to prevent and resolve conflict through field-based analysis and high-level advocacy. Outputs of ICG's field research include analytical reports containing practical recommendations targeted at key international decision-takers, and...

Peace Winds - Japan

Peace Winds Japan (PWJ) is an NGO, dedicated to the support of people in distress, threatened by conflict, poverty, or other turmoil. Beyond national boundaries, PWJ has carried out support activities for refugees who fled their countries, domestic refugees who suffer in their own countries,...