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Business in the Community (BITC)

Business in the Community (BITC) is a membership organisation that inspires, engages, supports and challenges member companies to improve their positive impact on society. BITC works across four impact areas - workplace, marketplace, environment and community. BITC's top campaigning priorities are...

Acción RSE

Acción RSE is a non profit member company organisation created by the private sector to promote Corporate Social Responsibility practices in Chile. Acción RSE has five main businss- oriented action areas, which are ethics and corporate governance, workplace, environment, supply chain, and...

Action Aid International Guatemala

Action Aid has been active in Guatemala since 1997. This organisation which adopts a rights-based approach to poverty reduction, focuses primarily on peace-building activities and on strengthening civil society. Action Aid also lobbies for trade justice and for the reform of the Guatemalan...

Cambodian Hope Organisation (CHO)

The Cambodian Hope Organisation (CHO) works to help children and their families at risk in communities in and around Poipet on Cambodia’s northwest border with Thailand. CHO promotes awareness of child trafficking, works to enhance primary health care and HIV/AIDS care, promotes home vegetable...