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Water and related ecosystems

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Millennium Promise Alliance, Inc. Verified non-profit organisation

Millennium Promise is the leading international non-profit organization redefining the approach to ending extreme poverty and achieving the Millennium Development Goals in rural Africa, moving communities from hunger to self-sufficiency by 2015. We oversee the Millennium Villages Project, which...

Bright Hope International Verified non-profit organisation

Bright Hope International seeks to serve the world's absolute poor with the goal of breaking the cycle of poverty. Services provided by Bright Hope International include job creation, family support, economic development and emergency relief.

YWAM Mercy Ministries International Verified non-profit organisation

YWAM-Mercy is operational in more than 100 countries as it seeks to impact more than 100 million living in absolute poverty in the next 20 years. From agricultural assistance to health care to micro enterprise development, YWAM-Mercy seeks to meet the felt needs of individuals and communities,...

Operation Blessing International Verified non-profit organisation

Operation Blessing International (OBI) provides short-term relief and development assistance to economically disadvantaged people and disaster victims across the world. In the United States, Operation Blessing International focuses on providing food, clothing and other material assistance to...

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) - Vietnam

Catholic Relief Services - Vietnam supports projects initiated by local partners in the areas of education, including special programmes for disabled children, agriculture/rural enterprise development, microfinance, and emergency mitigation and relief.

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) - Guatemala

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and disadvantaged. The aim of CRS globally is to provide direct aid to the poor, to involve people in their own development, helping them to realise their potential and to promote...

CARE International - Bolivia

CARE is one of the world's largest private international humanitarian organisations, committed to helping families in poor communities improve their lives and achieve lasting victories over poverty. With programmes in over 72 countries, CARE touches the lives of over 30 million of the world's...

Adventist Development and Relief Agency International (ADRA) - Afghanistan

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International is an independent humanitarian agency established in 1984 for the specific purposes of individual and community development and disaster relief. ADRA helps people in need, especially those most vulnerable, such as women, children, and...

Almak Aqua Drillers Ltd

Almak Aqua Drillers is a Kenyan water drilling company that aims to provide quality, clean water and boreholes that can be well maintained and long lasting.

ECO International

ECO International is an American public benefit, non-governmental organization engaged around the world in resource protection and community development activities. The organisation is currently active in Uganda, and has also worked in Russia and Paraguay.

Indus Consortium for Humanitarian, Environmental and Development Initiatives

The Indus Consortium for Humanitarian, Environmental and Development Initiatives is an alliance of three rights based organizations in Pakistan; Laar Humanitarian Development Programme (LHDP), HELP Foundation and Doaba Foundation. The Consortium acts as a platform for the people living in the area...

Juba Light Organization

The Juba Light Organization is a Somalian NGO that works with and advocates for the needy. The organisation works on issues related to agriculture and social services, including education, health, and water and sanitation. The Foundation focuses on gender equality, and advocates for peaceful...

SAFE Environmental Protection Service (SAFE)

SAFE Environmental Protection Service (SAFE) undertakes activities connected with water, energy and gas in Borana, Oromia Region where problems of water, health and education are often highly localized. SAFE offers services in the overall management and utilization of waste, where through...

China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA)

The China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA) is a non-profit organisation, engaged in managing domestic and overseas donated funds and materials. Programs include water and livestock, terracing, rebuilding houses, rural education, rural technology training, women's and children's health and...

Dunster House Ltd

Dunster House Ltd, is a UK manufacturer trading since 1994. Having recently entered the humanitarian sector, the company seeks to provide sanitation, solar, shelter and cooking solutions to Governments and NGOs to help tackle problems across the globe.

Banka BioLoo Pvt Ltd

Banka BioLoo Pvt Ltd. is an Indian human waste-management company that uses bio-digester technology and its various applications. The company's products include bio-toilets for families, public bio-toilets and bio-toilets for schools and institutions, bio-tanks. The company also services...

Typhoon Haiyan - Nov 2013

Nearly 12 million people have been affected by Typhoon Haiyan, one of the worst disasters to hit the Philippines in years. More than 900,000 people remain displaced, according to the UN. A national state of emergency has been declared, with Samar, Leyte, Cebu, Iloilo, Capiz, Aklan and Palawan...

Enyenge Development Initiative

The Enyenge Development Initiative (EDI) is an NGO in Cameroon. The organisation aims to promote development. Currently, EDI is working on a project to provide a hand pump water system to local communities.

Rescue Aid Foundation

The Rescue Aid Foundation (RAF) is a Christian NGO in Ghana. RAF aims to help rural communities gain access to basic services including education and water and sanitation by 2035. The Foundation drills boreholes, supplies toilets and helps to build schools.

Life Concern Organization (LICO)

Life Concern Organization (LICO) is an NGO in Malawi that aims to help vulnerable rural communities to improve their living standards and health. LICO is currently working on a range of projects, including the prevention of mother to child HIV transmission, HIV counselling, the provision of...