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Water and related ecosystems

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Rescue Aid Foundation

The Rescue Aid Foundation (RAF) is a Christian NGO in Ghana. RAF aims to help rural communities gain access to basic services including education and water and sanitation by 2035. The Foundation drills boreholes, supplies toilets and helps to build schools.

Life Concern Organization (LICO)

Life Concern Organization (LICO) is an NGO in Malawi that aims to help vulnerable rural communities to improve their living standards and health. LICO is currently working on a range of projects, including the prevention of mother to child HIV transmission, HIV counselling, the provision of...

Save the Nature (STN)

Save the Nature (STN) is an NGO in Pakistan that aims to promote sustainable development in Balochistan through environmental conservation and management of natural resources. STN is involved in awareness raising and capacity building, helping communities to adopt farming practices that aid...

Living Fountain Care Point

Living Fountain Care Point is a small project of a 15-member Self Help Group of volunteers working towards alleviating the problems of abandoned and vulnerable children within the community of Mombasa and its environs. The Group is running a Children’s Home and providing care to abandoned children...


Omwabini is a Kenyan NGO that works with orphaned and vulnerable children (OVC) to rebuild lives and provide opportunities for health, growth and sustainable progress. The organisation provides shelter, education and vocational training, also health care and counselling, and has constructed an...

Youth in Action Balochistan

Youth In Action Balochistan (YIAB) is an NGO in Pakistan. YIAB works on a range of interventions in education, health and hygiene, youth and women's empowerment, emergency response and preparedness, governance, legal aid and human rights. Activities include capacity building and service...

Society For Integrated Rural Development (SFIRD)

The Society For Integrated Rural Development (SFIRD) is an Indian NGO that works with Dalits, tribes, marine fisher-folk, minorities and other marginalised sections of the community who are powerless, voiceless and exploited. The organisation aims to improve village life for these communities...

African Friends in Need Network (AFINNET)

African Friends in Need Network (AFINNET) promotes rural community development initiatives and projects focusing upon community participation and capacity building. Women, children and youth are AFINNET's primary beneficiaries. AFINNET gives grants to community programmes which are administered by...

Insta-pumps Engineering Ltd

Insta-pumps Engineering Ltd is a private company in Kenya that supplies equipment for drilling and water installations. The company now works with a South African based organisation involved in drilling and water supply.

Sudarshan Extrusion Pvt. Ltd

Sudarshan Extrusions Pvt. Ltd. is an Indian company that manufactures column pipes. The company has installed pipes in more than half a million bored wells.

Glory Inventing & Research Mission

Glory Inventing & Research Mission is a relief and development charitable organization providing training in employable skills to youth and children, and providing care for widows and the elderly.

Community Development and Sustainability Organization (CDS)

Community Development and Sustainability Organization (CDS) is a Kenyan NGO that works on sustainable development and is committed to peace building, human rights, education and food security. The organisation is currently working with Action Aid to train young people in good governance and peace...

Watsan Training and Development Center

Watsan Training and Development Center is a registered training and development organisation offering practical training on water and sanitation technologies in Kenya and neighbouring countries. The Centre provides training programmes aimed at grooming water and sanitation professionals and...

Shalom Integrated Community Development Organisation

Shalom Integrated Community Development Organization (SICDO) is a humanitarian NGO in Ethiopia with the following vision: To envisage economically and socially self-reliant and self-managing communities: where there is no basic necessities; such as food, water shelter, medication, clothing and...

Kikulumi Water Project

The Kikulumi Water Project is a Kenyan self help group established to help the community access water for domestic use. To date, the members of the group have raised one million Kenyan shillings to assist with their work.

African Foundation for People In Need (AFFPIN)

The African Foundation for People in Need (AFFPIN)is a Christian NGO in Uganda that aims to protect the rights of impoverished children through small-scale development programmes and advocacy, capacity building and promoting access to education. AFFPIN also promotes HIV/AIDS awareness, builds...

Uvali Water Project Group

The Uvali Water Project Group is a local Kenyan NGO. The Group is involved in attempting to access a water supply for domestic use, aiming to sink at least two boreholes to serve 300 households.

Bala Vikasa

Bala Vikasa Social Service Society is an Indian NGO in Andhra Pradesh. Bala Vikasa aims to help the poor to help themselves through capacity building in target communities through effective motivation, community organization, exposure, and training programmes. The organisation is currently ...

Sudar Academy and Charitable Trust

Sudar Academy and Charitable Trust is an Indian NGO that educates people with disabilities. The Trust started with 4 physically challenged children and now looks after 30 students between the ages of 7 - 30. Education and food are provided free of charge.

Living Water Development Inc -Australia

Living Water Development Inc -Australia is an NGO thst works in WASH ( (Water Sanitation & Hygiene) promotion. The organisation tends to build community capacity rather than dig wells, but does have some small drilling equipment in Kenya and Uganda which it employs in projects. The...