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Children, youth and family welfare

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Pakistan Human Development Foundation

Pakistan Human Development Foundation – Allahdin Group of Companies – a service to Pakistan’s Agriculture expanded and developed as an integral part of the Agriculture of Pakistan. The progress and prosperity have been the vision to pave the way towards the development. PHDF successfully...


H.E.A.T HK is a student-run non profit organisation aiming to bridge inequality within Hong Kong. At H.E.A.T, the aim is to tackle the issue of heat stress in underserved communities around Hong Kong by mitigating its consequences and addressing its root causes. Fundraising: With your help,...

Help Life Organization

Help Life Organization “HLO” is a local relief and development non-profit making, non-political and non-governmental local organization that aims to alleviate the suffering of the Somali's poorest people. As well as responding to disasters and emergencies, it will carry out short and long-term...

Children's Home Society of North Carolina, SaySo Program

SaySo- which stands for STRONG ABLE YOUTH SPEAKING OUT- is a statewide advocacy program of youth aged 14 to 24 who are or have been in the out-of-home care system that is based in North Carolina. This includes all types of substitute care, including foster care, group homes, and mental health...

Voice for Elderly and the children in Africa

Voice for Elderly and Children in Africa (VECA) is a registered non profit organization which works tirelessly to improve the livelihood of the elderly in refugee camps and those in living in poor communities in Uganda. The organization also supports children especially those living in elderly...


Comealivecharitable is local charity organisation based in Uganda and whose core objectives are to address social related concerns for marginalised communities and also including the urban poor communities. The organization addresses social related issues like education, poverty alleviation,...

PESAT - Integrated Village Ministry

The Ministry of Integrated Villages (PESAT) was founded in 1987 and aims to see a holistic transformation for rural communities in Indonesia by reaching people in hard-to-reach areas, empowering rural communities through education and health services. To Holistically Disciple Children in villages...

Grassroots Development Organization (GRADO)

GRADO is a registered Community Based Organization first established in the year 2018. Despite Covid-19, the organization is currently conducting tailoring-training classes for a total number of 34 beneficiaries, some of whom, having successfully completed these, are now in the field. MISSION ...

Shule Foundation Inc

Shule Foundation is a registered 501C3 organization working in Uganda that works exclusively with boys ranging in age from 6 to 18 who are living on the streets of Kampala and Mbale. Through various programs - outreaches, skills training, family reunification, sponsorship, counselling and...

Mt. Elgon Peace Initiative

Established in 2010, the Mount Elgon Peace Initiative (MEPI) works to enhance peaceful co-existence among the diverse ethnic communities of the Mount Elgon region, in western Kenya. The area is mainly inhabited by the Sabaot, Bukusu and Teso people, who compete for resources and political...

Green Solutions

Green Solutions seeks to solve the problem of unemployment of young people in the region as well as establishment of a large room for raising of high quality seedlings for both tree and fruit species in order to ensure a green environment in the region and the world at large. The objective is...

Green Beacon Community Foundation (GBCF)

Green Beacon Community Foundation is a Tanzanian NGO. Though GBCF is still young, they have managed within a year to implement several projects to support community development in Tanzania. GBCF has supported 18 community schools in Mara region; obtaining 825 desks and chairs and has also...

Youth Initiatives for Empowerment to live in Dignity (YIELD)

Youth Initiatives for Empowerment to live in Dignity (YIELD) is a non-profit making, non-partisan and non-religious, non-discriminating community-based organization. YIELD was established in October 2018. YIELD’s interventions target vulnerable children and youth (Inclusive of those with...

Sikhokhochole Community Based Organisation

This is a community based organization that is led by a lecturer of Public Health at one of the local universities. The organization endeavours to help the community in promotion of health, help the orphaned and vulnerable children, help unemployed youth start business activities, help widows and...

Elimu Yetu Development Organization

Elimu Yetu cooperates to provide free education for children, youth, and adults. The mission is to help everyone develop their talents, such as confidence, hope, and strength, to further their own goals, so they can become leaders for their community and overcome the challenges of the future.

Alliance of Slum Media Organisations

Established in 2016, Alliance of Slum Media Organisations is an alliance of media organisations working with children, youth and their communities, providing opportunities to nurture talent in arts and media, create jobs, and communicate key messages critical to societal change. The media...

SportsWorks Int'l Ngo, Inc.

Founded in 2005, SportsWorks Int'l Ngo, Inc. is an award-winning faith-based sports and education non-profit that primarily serves children in need and at-risk youth. The NGO's mission is to provide sports instruction and training to children, youth and young adults - ages 5 to 25 - help them...

Society for Orphaned Armenian Relief

The Society for Orphaned Armenian Relief (SOAR) provides humanitarian relief to orphaned Armenian children and adults with disabilities throughout the world. Working with a trusted network of in-country staff and a cadre of global volunteers, SOAR provides this institutionalized population with the...

Molo Constituency Forest Association

The continuing growth and the attendant rapid physical expansions increase the pressure on both rural and urban resources. The so called rural crisis is a composite syndrome of resource taping poor planning and overall County Economic Problems. These problems have manifested in inadequate...


Kazivocationalinstitute is a registered community based organisation engaged in training school drop outs, single mothers, vulnerable and the youth in welding and metal fabrications, hairdressing and fashion, tailoring and design, computing etc.