Unverified non-profit organisation
Established in 1979, TREATS is registered charity in Hong Kong with the vision of creating an Inclusive Society for ALL Children.
- To eliminate social barriers and exclusion through education, experiential programmes and life experience.
- To provide an equal platform for children of all abilities and backgrounds to learn, interact, play and work together through contact and experience.
- To empower and enable underprivileged children with social skills and development opportunities through participation and community networking.
- To change and alter public perception towards people with all abilities and backgrounds and advocate an inclusive and diversified society.
Target Groups
All children, youth and families, especially those:
With mental, physical, emotional and social challenges
With multiple challenges and learning disabilities
New arrivals & ethnic minorities
From single parent families
From families living in poverty
TREAT uses the unique medium of experiential learning, games and a variety of activities to bring together children, youth and families from varying backgrounds and with differing abilities, to provide youth with opportunities for equal participation and interaction, to learn about diversity and acceptance of one another, and to develop personal and social skills.