Hans Andersen Club Limited (HAC)
Unverified non-profit organisation
Hans Andersen Club takes families as their servicing target. As a harmonious parent-child relationship can be established through storytelling and creative games, Hans Andersen Club aims to provide adequate training as well as readily accessible resources and trainings on storytelling and on devising creative games, and to serve the grass-root and under-privileged families and their children in Hong Kong. The goal is to enable children enjoy holistic development and adapt to intellectual based society.
Care the needy
Hans Andersen Club cares for the minority in the community. About some 50 years ago, HAC started to serve the people living in the squatter area, refugee camps and later on the outlying islands in Hong Kong. We cherish every opportunity to provide needy children with suitable services.
Innovative Services
In the last few decades, HAC launched various innovative services to meet the need of families and children. For example, the Cyber learning centre located in Tai O Centre helped the inhabitants to use computers as it means to link up with the outside world. In recent years, HAC provides creative storytelling services to enhance harmony among families.