Community development
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Extending women enterpreneurship in India

To reach populations in remote areas, Hindustan Unilever has recruited and trained women in rural areas to act as direct sales operators. This led to the creation of Project Shakti in India which is now being extended to other countries as well.
Southern Water supports WaterAid in a variety of ways

Southern Water, its employees and customers have supported WaterAid since 1981, promoting WaterAid through organising and taking part in fundraising events and making donations.
Through an initiative of ASGN, micro-credit and tourism save giraffes in Niger

ASGN (the Association to Safeguard the Giraffes of Niger) used grants from the Wildlife Protection Foundation in the UK and from the Zoo de Doue in France to set up a successful micro-credit scheme.
Timberland partners with Big City Mountaineers to provide wilderness experiences

Timberland partners with Big City Mountaineers (BCM), an organization uniting volunteer mentors with urban youth for life-changing outdoor journeys.
Timberland mentors youth through City Year

Since 1988, Timberland is a founding sponsor of the not-for-profit organisation City Year, making it the first youth service corps launched entirely through private sector support.
Timberland mentors youth in France through Unis-Cite

As the longstanding partner of Unis-Cité since its inception in 1995, Timberland France has supported many activities such as supporting projects, organization of an art sale for the association and so on.
Seventh Generation and WAGES partner to form a cooperative in San Francisco

Seventh Generation, an American company that distributes household and personal care products, has partnered with Women’s Action to Gain Economic Security (WAGES) to launch a new worker-owned residential green cleaning cooperative in San Francisco.
Uganda : Project Hope and Hard Work

The importance of microcredit in Uganda has soared in the recent decade and the instrument is now seen as one of the most effective tools to tackle poverty in the country.
The Guardian supports a village in Uganda

The Guardian Newspaper has partnered with Amref to support Katine, a village in Uganda, for three years. Donations from Guardian readers were matched by the newspapers to support a range of projects identified by the villagers themselves.
In collaboration with NGOs, Spanish Bank Group, BBVA, set up a corporate volunteering plan

The BBVA's corporate volunteering plan, Voluntarios BBVA, was set up in May 2007 to meet the need for volunteers to promote new initiatives and build a framework for activities in this area.
University of Bologna, E.Leclerc-Conad and Nordiconad partner to transform waste into resources.

Last Minute Market(LMM): "Transforming waste to resource" is the philosophy of the project conceived by the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bologna and with the active participation of Nordiconad Conad with many stores and hypermarkets with 2-E.Leclerc Conad.
Grameen Danone creates a social dairy business enterprise in Bangladesh

Grameen Danone Foods, popularly known as "Grameen Danone" is a social business enterprise which, launched in 2006, has been designed to provide children with many of the key nutrients that are typically missing from their diet in rural Bangladesh.
Procter & Gamble partners with Fondation de France to provide financial and logistical support for children “without a roof”' campaign

Procter & Gamble France supports the housing program of the Fondation de France through Operation SOS Enfance Mal Logée( SOS Childhood Poorly Housed). This program helps families affected by poor housing.
Ben & Jerry's launches partnership with the ONE Campaign in the fight against global poverty

In 2008, Ben & Jerry's and the ONE Campaign announced a joint endeavor today to fight extreme poverty and preventable disease around the world.
ConocoPhillips signed the Gold Sponsorship deal for ROTA's Wheels 'n' Heels

In February 2008, ConocoPhillips Ltd Qatar was the exclusive Gold Sponsor of Qatar-based NGO Reach Out To Asia, ROTA’s, third Wheels 'n' Heels community fun day.
Merrill Lynch and the Greenlining Institute announce a $500 million initiative for under-served California communities

In 2003, Merrill Lynch and the Greenlining Institute announced a $500 million initiative to expand small business lending and promote economic opportunities in Asian Pacific, Latino and African-American communities throughout California.
Merrill Lynch and Greenlining Institute announced a $159 million economic partnership for Southern California

In 2000, Merrill Lynch and The Greenlining Institute announced a $159 million three-year initiative to encourage new investments, economic opportunities and home ownership in Asian Pacific, Latino and African-American communities in Southern California and the San Francisco Bay area.
In partnership with Hope worldwide, Walmart brings opportunity to local communities in India and Kenya

Factory workers and their families in Kenya and India are getting help improving their lives through Walmart’s partnership with global non-profit Hope Worldwide.
Walmart Stores and the World Environment Center launch a Cleaner Production Partnership in Central America

In 2009, the World Environment Center (WEC), in partnership with Walmart Stores, Inc., launched a major initiative which aimed to increase cleaner production and energy efficiency (CP/EE) practices in two countries, El Salvador and Guatemala.
Chevron subsidiary partners with local charity to engage impoverished communities in Angola

Search for Common Ground, an organisation dedicated to conflict transformation, has been working in Angola's oil-rich enclave of Cabinda since October 2006. In a private-public partnership co-funded by USAID and Chevron's local oil subsidiary, SFCG has collaborated with nine impoverished fishing...