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Community development

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Global Media Foundation

The Global Media Foundation (formerly known as African Media Aid (AFRIMA)) is a Ghanaian media NGO aimed at helping to create a vibrant media in Africa and use it to bail out underdeveloped and underserved communities by becoming a voice for the voiceless and soliciting and linking resources for...

ORDO (Onkod Relief & Development Organisation)

ORDO (Onkod Relief and Development Organisation) is a Somalian NGO that is involved in community development working in partnership with UN agencies and international NGOs. Among the issues on which the organisation works are health, disaster management and child protection.

Voluntary Institute for Rural Development (VIRD))

The Voluntary Institute for Rural Development (VIRD)is an Indian NGO that works on issues related to socio-economic development for the rural poor. Activities include mobilizing communities for development, and coordinating the work of local NGOs with similar aims. VIRD sponsors a wide range of...

Sita Gramoudyog Vikas Sansthan (SGVS)

SGVS (Sita Gramoudyog Vikas Sansthan) is an Indian NGO that is dedicatedly to working on women's empowerment, as well as helping to increase livelihood opportunities and employability of young people. The organization also works on issues relating to health, gender discrimination, education, ...

Revelation Children's Ministries International

Revelations Children’s Ministries International (RCMI) is a community- based NGO in the Jinja District of Uganda. Its aim is to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged people, especially people living with HIV/AIDS and their families, orphans, widows and victims of war. RCMI offers...

Saharo Welfare Organization

The Saharo Welfare Organisation (SWO) is a community based, charitable NGO in Pakistan. The organisation works alongside marginalised groups particularly women, young children and other vulnerable groups in different districts of Sindh Province. SWO receives technical support from the Pakistan...

Future Nepal Travel and Volunteering

Future Nepal is a volunteering NGO that believes that volunteering is one way to make worldwide friends and to get to know people. The organisation arranges for volunteers of all nationalities, including Nepali, to work on projects in Nepal, and also arranges tours around the country, including ...

Ayaga Dani Widows Group

The Ayaga Dani Widows Group is a Kenyan NGO. The aim of the Group is to try to reduce stigma and discrimination against widows in the community, to improve the quality of life for the elderly and to increase food production. The Group also aims to reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS on the community....

Luhwahwa Youth Development Foundation (LUYODEFO)

The Luhwahwa Youth Development Foundation (LUYODEFO) provides support to marginalized communities across the Kasese district of western Uganda.

Christ Love Revival Assembly

Christ Love Revival Assembly (also known as Christ Love Mission) is a Christan organisation based in Niger- Delta, Nigeria. The organisation's faith based activities include the building of churches in rural communities and the distribution of Bibles and other Christian literature. Christian...

Patmos Care and Development Centre

The Patmos Care and Development Centre is a Kenyan NGO that grew out of Patmos Junior School, a school in a slum area of Nairobi. The organisation aims to provide basic education for poor children, including orphans, together with one meal a day.

Indian Social Service Institute

The Indian Social Service Institute (ISSI) is a rural NGO in Tamil Nadu. ISSI aims to assist the sustainable development of rural areas by conducting non-formal and formal educational programmes to address illiteracy; empowering women with various skills and motivating them to participate in...

Care for the Old (Cafotold)

The Care for the Old Centre, the Cafotold Charity, is a charity registered in Cameroon. The organisation provides social welfare for elderly people who are disadvantaged and/or vulnerable, and their dependants, including orphans (children below the age of 17). The charity operates in the South West...

MAMACHA (Mwita Mugaya Chacha) Women Group

The MAMACHA Women (Mwita Mugaya Chacha) Group is a Tanzanian NGO that works with women and vulnerable children. The Group is a community development organization that aims to increase community participation in the development process.

Mkuza Youth Development Association (MYODA)

The Mkuza Youth Development Association (MYODA) is an NGO based in Tanzania. The organisation started by setting up two projects, the first a nursery school for small children that caters for orphans and street children, and the other a job-creation programme for young people. Currently, MYODA...

Child Support Uganda (CSU)

Child Support Uganda (formerly Orphans for Christ in Africa), is a non-sectarian, non-denominational Christian NGO caring for orphans, vulnerable children and disadvantaged youth and poor communities in Uganda, East Africa. CSU advocates for and promotes the rights and welfare of orphans and...

Hope Life International

The Hope Life International is a Gambian NGO that focuses on providing palliative care, education and creating awareness of HIV/AIDS prevention, hepatitis and TB. The organisation also works on human resource development and community development and provides humanitarian services.

Life 4 Water Incorporated

Life 4 Water Inc. is an NGO located in the Philippines. The organisation aims to enable communities develop, manage and nurture water resources because water is essential in community development. Life 4 Water designs, manufactures and installs hydraulic ram pumps that don't use electricity or...

Christian Communication Centre

The Christian Communication Centre is a faith based charity development organisation operating in Northern Uganda with network and connections into Eastern DRC and South Sudan. As a charity organization our primary mission is to provide services to help people displaced by conflicts, war and...

Consolidated Youth for Peace and Development (COYPED)

Consolidated Youth for Peace and Development (COYPED) is a youth-led Liberian NGO. COYPED aims to empower young people to contribute positively to society by working together on issues related to health, education, human rights, civic education, anti-corruption and other development issues. The...