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Disability issues

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Africa Intercultural Development Support Trust

The Africa Intercultural Development Support Trust is a non-profit organization that is involved in supporting disadvantaged children, youth and vulnerable groups that integrate them in education, entrepreneurship development through technical training solutions, including energy efficiency and...

Comité d'Entraide Familiale(CEF,Asbl)

Currently, CEF has its radius of action in the Territory of Fizi. The CEF/Asbl), is a local organization which has these areas of work: Food Security and nutrition, and Livelihood, Protection of the Environment and Protection childhood. ...

Liberia Children Community Library Foundation ( LCCLF)

Liberia Children's Community Library Foundation (LCCLF), is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization Registered in the USA, and Liberia as a grassroots organization.LCCLF was founded as a charitable Community and school Library Foundation to improving the livelihood of Children, youth people and adults...

Sevac Foundation Uganda

Sevac Foundation Uganda is a registered Non-Governmental organization that aims to transform the lives of vulnerable people including orphans, disabled persons, HIV/AIDS victims and street kids. The main thematic area of intervention is health education ,agriculture and livelihood.

Kingston-Diaspora Medical Centre In Partnership with ADICAR Vocational Training Institute

The Kingston-Diaspora Medical Centre is an NGO in the Central African Republic. The organisation provides health care to people in desperate situations and in remote rural areas not covered by government health centres.

Bundibugyo Association of Parents of children With Cerebral Palsy (BAPCP)

For years, persons with Cerebral Palsy (PWCP) in Bundibugyo have been marginalized both in their communities and in the disability movement, partially due to limited awareness on Cerebral Palsy (CP) as a disability with its own causes and effects. Because PWCP manifest many different forms of...

Goofirm Foundation (GOOFIRM)

GOOFIRM is an independent Youth-Led Health and Development Non-Profit Organisation founded in 2020 with its mission to support community health through Research, Awareness and Policy Advocacy, while prioritizing vulnerable girls, pregnant women, infant and children, sustainable development, equal...

Ladder Ministries Uganda

Ladder Ministries Uganda (LMU) is a Christian faith based founded Non – Governmental Organisation established in 2011 and incorporated by the National Bureau for Non – Governmental Organisations of Uganda in the year 2013 with registration number 3166 with the mandate of not only carrying out its...

Bethany Relief and Rehabilitation International

Bethany Relief and Rehabilitation International is a Canadian faith-based medical NGO working in East Africa for children with disabilities. Much of the organisation's focus is on providing surgery to children with a variety of medical conditions including spina bifida, hydrocephalus, burns,...

Imaginer et Construire le Congo de Demain (ICCOD-ONG)

ICCOD-NGO is an indigenous Pygmy organization that works for the well-being of communities and the preservation of the environment. Founded in Nyabibwe Centre, Mbinga-Nord Group, Kalehe Territory, South Kivu Province in DR Congo, ICCOD-ONG brings together young people, women and indigenous...

Empowerment For the Poor-Uganda

Empowerment for the Poor-Uganda exists to empower women and youth in Uganda by providing them with spaces and resources that enable them to effectively participate in their family and community development processes which strengthens their economic resilience and to lead them live successful,...

Asamang Adventist Christian Academy

Asamang Adventist Christian Academy is Primary and Elementary School established 15 years ago by the Late Noah Nkrumah, Ghanaian educationist who was resided in Osaka-Japan. After his death the school was closed. The school would be reopened again to fulfill the legacy of the Late Noah Nkrumah...

North East African Community Health Initiatives

North East African Community Health Initiative (NEACHI Uganda) is a registered indigenous not-for-profit organization established in July 2020. The organization plays a major role in complimenting government development programs at national and local levels especially assisting rural poor...

Bugangaizi Self-Help Alliance Program (BSAP)

BSAP is a Community Based Organization operating in Kakumiro District, initiated by a group of 65 rural residents based in Kakumiro District; registered with Kibaale District in 2000 and later with Kakumiro District Local Government under Community Based Services in 2018. The overall goal is to...

The Crescent Foundation

The Crescent Foundation is an Indian NGO working on issues related to education, health, society and athletics. The organization runs a number of projects including free health camps for the elderly, blood-donation camps, and BPO training camps.

Lucinda's Beautiful Heritage Charity Foundation

«LBH Charity Foundation» is an independent, not for profit making, non-political, charitable associative organization and foundation, created in 2020 to help improve the quality of life for victims of societal ills such as rape, sexual harassment, sexism, domestic abuse, basic human right violation...

Touch me foundation For the less previleged

ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE TOUCHME FOUNDATION FOR THE LESS PRIVILEGED Head Office Address: Touch me foundationforthelessprivileged plot 256 jajanwachukwuStreet, wuye, Abuja , Fct. Mobile Phone:- +234 814 384 9396 , 07018199937 WhatsApp :- 08143849396 Email:...

Madurai Health and Leprosy Relief Centre

The Madurai Health and Leprosy Relief Centre (MAHELERECEN) is an Indian NGO that provides community based preventive services such as education, detection and treatment and rehabilitation services for people suffering from leprosy. The Centre covers 250,000 people in and around Madurai in Southern...

Kikumu Agriculture Research Centre

Kikumu agriculture reserach centre is community based organisation started in 1999 as a registered not profit making and community based organisation. The centre targets small holder women farmers in rural areas. CORE AREA -Small scale women farmers -conservation -women empowerment ...

Relief Welfare Association for Social Awareness Welfare Society

The Relief Welfare Association for Social Awareness is a registered charitable society in Andhra Pradesh, India. Services Provided : MEDICAL SUPPORT: Provides vital treatment and care available throughout many near villages and it is the only source of medical help for many families living...