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Asociatia Centrul de Ajutor Si Integrare Sociala

Asociatia Centrul de Ajutor si Integrare Sociala is a Romanian social welfare organisation that works on issues related to poverty eradication, suffering and human degradation and aims to contribute to sustainable development. Activities include a social protection programme, a literacy...


Arevamanuk is an Armenian NGO that works for children with disabilities and their families. The organisation provides education, training and counselling. Children study foreign languages, computer skills, needlework, embroidery and dancing. Arevamanuk has implemented a range of projects with...

Cape Mental Health

Cape Mental Health is a South African NGO that works to improve the lives of children and adults with mental disabilities and mental health needs. The organisation runs 22 community-based projects in over 100 communities in the Western Cape. These projects help people adjust to their disability,...

Crocodile Friends for Justice

Crocodile Friends for Justice is a Kenyan NGO whose members have all been attacked by crocodiles. The organisation works with people with disabilities, helping them to improve their ability to farm, for example, using greenhouse technology. The organisation also advocates on issues relating to...

East African Human Rights Organization

The East African Human Rights Organization [EAHRO] is an independent human rights organization in Uganda. EAHRO aims to achieve universal respect for and observance of human rights, and to provide support and relief to politically, religiously and socially discriminated and marginalized groups in...

Sport and Health Development Organisation

The Sport and Health Development Organization {SHDO} is a Cameroonian NGO. Its main objective is to sensitize rural and urban communities, especially the ageing, the handicapped, pregnant women and youth people to the importance of healthy living through participation in physical and sporting...

The Divine Vintage International Organisation

The Divine Vintage International Organisationisd a Nigerian faith-based organisation that aims to improve the lives of those in need especially people with disabilities, widows and orphans.

Eternal Life Organization International Ministries. (ELOI Ministries)

Eternal Life Organization International Ministries (ELOIM) is a Christian organisation in Uganda that runs technical and vocational training centres,medical missions, orphanages and mobile clinics in addition to its faith-based activities. Client groups include people affected by disasters,...

Shahabad Parish Society

The Shahabad Parish Society is an Indian NGO that works towards empowering Dalit children, youth, women and people with disabilities.

Future After Children Are Traumatised (FACT) Uganda

Future After Children are Traumatized (FACT) Uganda is an NGO that works for children with disabilities, street children, single mothers and school drop outs. FACT advocates for the rights of vulnerable children and promotes the empowerment of girls and women. FACT runs a vocational training...

Amis des Etrangers au Togo: (ADET)

Amis des Etrangers au Togo (ADET) is an NGO in Togo that works for social development, in particular for people with disabilities, the elderly, migrants, indigenous people, youth, and vulnerable women and children. Programmes and projects focus on agriculture, biodiversity, biotechnology,...

St John Society for Developement Services

The St John Society for Developement Services is an NGO in India that provides education for physically challenged children. The Society is hoping to expand its facilities to help many more children.

LifeCare Ghana

LifeCare Ghana (LIFECARE) is an NGO that works for underserved women and children in the areas of education, human rights, food security, environment, and water and sanitation. LIFECARE has trained 15 women's groups in group dynamics, soap making, pomade production, rabbit rearing and small...

Helping Orphan and Widow Poor People (HOWPP) Organisation

The Helping Orphan and Widow Poor People (HOWPP) Organisation is a Christian NGO in Pakistan that helps widows,orphans and people with disabilities in addition to its faith-based work. The organisation is aiming to set up an adult education centre, to provide medical facilities for its client...

Living Fountain Care Point

Living Fountain Care Point is a small project of a 15-member Self Help Group of volunteers working towards alleviating the problems of abandoned and vulnerable children within the community of Mombasa and its environs. The Group is running a Children’s Home and providing care to abandoned children...

Karunya Charitable Trust

Karunya Charitable Trust is an Indian NGO that helps widows, poor children and people with disabilities. The Trust sponsors projects for women's development and social work, and runs medical camps and health projects.

Gender Equality and Women Empowerment for Development (GWEFODE)

Gender Equality and Women Empowerment for Development (GWEFODE) is a Ugandan NGO. The organisation promotes the interests of women and girls, and is involved in a range of programmes including human rights and good governance; HIV/AIDS and malaria prevention; sexual / reproductive and child health...

Namungoona Initiative for Sustainable Development

The Namungoona Initiative for Sustainable Development is a Ugandan NGO that works for people with disabilities and for women and children. The Initiative is also involved in advocacy and capacity building, water and sanitation projects, education and social development programmes.

Horizon Social Assistance Development Organisation

The Horizon Social Assistance Development Organisation is an NGO based in Hargeisa in Somaliland, East Africa. The organisation aims to support the local community through a range of activities including raising awareness of HIV/AIDS, education, health, and human rights, supporting people with...

New Life Foundation Ministries

New Life Foundation Ministries is a Christian in India. The organisation focuses on the unreached people in rural areas of Andhra Pradesh, helping them to overcome the challenges they face.