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Disasters and humanitarian affairs

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World Health Assistance

The organization is established by Joshua Woo, while a senior at Riverside High School in Greenville, SC. After he was exposed to the healthcare system of not only Anconcito, but other developing countries as well, he decided to pursue changes. A non-profit, World Health Assistance, was formed that...

Good Samaritan Centre

Good Samaritan Centre is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) based in Kitwe on the Copperbelt province of Zambia.This Organisation was formed with the sole aim of looking into the plight of living with HIV/AIDS and to alleviate there sufferings by providing with medication, food and clothing and...

Africure Community Health Development Organization (ACHDO)

Africure Community Health Development Organization (ACHDO) Is a registered NGO operating in Eastern Uganda. It has a wide range of projects it’s implementing. The organization runs a medical center called Africure International Medical Center as private not for profit (PNFP), founded in November...

Mercy Ships Verified non-profit organisation

Mercy Ships is an international faith-based organization, with a mission to increase access to health care throughout the world. Mercy Ships uses hospital ships to bring hope and healing to the poor, mobilizing people and resources worldwide. The global charity provides a variety of training...

Disaster Response Initiative, European Foundation Centre

Disaster Response Initiative, a joint project of the US Council on Foundations and the European Foundation Centre, addresses independent funders' need for increased understanding of disaster grantmaking. It also provides a set of principles and practical guidelines to assist them in responding to...

Good News Proclamation Services

Good News Proclamation Services (GNPS) is a non-profitable Christian organization established in 2004 and registered with the Government of U.P. under the Act of 1860 and also registered with the Home Ministry, Government of India FCRA. It is also registered under the Commissioner of Income Tax,...

Real Aid Verified non-profit organisation

Real Aid is an international independent organisation which is constituted as a charity. It has an established network with headquarters near Beverley, East Yorkshire. Real Aid sends aid on a regular basis to various projects in Africa and Eastern Europe. Real Aid does not rely on outside funding...

Quaker United Nations Office

QUNO staff work with people in the UN, multilateral organisations, government delegations, and non-governmental organisations, to achieve changes in international standards and practice. Quakers are known for speaking out against injustice and war - issues that are incompatible with our vision of a...

Respond to Ecuador earthquake

Ecuador is urgently in need of help as it reconstructs following the disaster it met, mid-April.

Aid and International Development Forum

The Aid and International Development Forum (AIDF) is the world leading forum specialising in disaster relief, resilience, mobile for development, food security and water security. We unite all stakeholders from government, UN agencies, intergovernmental agencies, NGOs and the private sector by...

Global Humanitarian Outreach Limited

Global Humanitarian Outreach (GHO)is an Tanzanian NGO dedicated to improving the lives of the poor through social, economic and humanitarian initiatives.

Glasgow the Caring City Verified non-profit organisation

Based in Glasgow, Scotland, Glasgow the Caring City (GCC) works in many countries across the globe. In Glasgow the charity runs a cafe for children with special needs, and provides for the care and welfare of asylum seekers daily. GCC has a fleet of vans and a warehouse where aid is collected and...

Christian Missions Charitable Trust (CMCT)

Christian Missions Charitable Trust (CMCT) provides various social, educational, and vocational programmes for the poor to empower them to be financially stable, independent and living in dignity.

Global Hand Principles

Global Hand, and its parent NGO, Crossroads Foundation, aims to ensure that aid given is good aid. You can find a range of standards, specific to sectors of the disaster and development spectrum, in our Standards, Guidelines and Toolkits section. A high level summary of Global Hand's standards...

Aquafilta Limited

Aquafilta Limited is a UK company that has designed and developed a new water filter that can be used in emergency and disaster situations. The company is working with a leading UK filtration company to manufacture the units.


Global Hand Standards introductory page You can also view this page in German. Diese Seite ist auch auf Deutsch verfügbar.

Helping Children

Helping Chldren is a Sri Lankan NGO that focuses on children and young people. The organisation is involved in a range of programmes including early childhood development, protection of children's rights, protection of the environment, entrepreneurial development, education and training, health...

HELP for Peace

HELP for Peace is an NGO in the Philippines that cares for people affected in complex health emergencies and disasters. The organisaion also works on community health development. Its flagship programme is the Barefoot Doctors programme (villagers empowered to care and heal in their own...

Foundation for Health and Social Economic Development Africa

The Foundation for Health and Social Economic Development (HESED) Africa is a Kenyan NGO that addresses problems facing children, women and youth in the context of health and social economic empowerment while integrating cross cutting issues such as HIV/AIDS, human rights, peace building and...

Shanti Volunteer Association (SVA)

The Shanti Volunteer Association is a Japanese NGO that was established to support Cambodian refugees in Thailand. SVA currently implements educational assistant projects including school construction, capacity building for teachers/ librarians and publishing picture books in refugee camps in a...